Sunday, March 29, 2020

the year in books [VI]

Stephen King's The Institute was a great read, and it's one of the few of his works that is age appropriate for Chloe. She was stoked when I gave her permission to read it. Dean Koontz' Phantoms was another great read and well worth the time for anyone who loves some good apocalyptic horror. John Grisham's The Litigators was admittedly slow (his more recent works, in my opinion, don't compare to his earlier projects). Chuck Palahnuik's Adjustment Day and Lullaby were fantastic; I love Pahlanuik's creativity and writing style. John Sandford's Heat Lightning was promising, but I just couldn't get into his writing style. Sometimes that happens, and it was a bummer, because the plot was interesting and his other books seem to have great reviews. 

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