Wednesday, April 29, 2020

the year in books [VIII]

This gauntlet of 2020 Books Read focuses on science fiction. Science fiction is one of those genres that is pretty hit or miss for me, as my recollections will indicate. James S.A. Corey's Nemesis Games was a resounding five stars (not surprising, given that his Expanse Series is top-notch, Grade-A sci-fi plutonium). Peter Watts' Echopraxia gathered another five stars; it's a sequel to an earlier book which has made it onto my 2021 Reading Queue. Stephen Baxter's Proxima doesn't rate very high; it was a drudge at times. Similarly, Ben Bova's Mars wasn't as good as I'd hoped. I loved Bova's New Earth, which is a latter book in his Solar System Series, and as I plan on reading the series in its breadth, I'm hoping later additions (his Moonrise is tabled for later this year) are better than Mars. Drew Williams' The Stars Now Unclaimed was decent, but John Dreese's Red Hope was a real struggle. Because of the quarantine I've been forced to take advantage of my Kindle Unlimited subscription, and books through it - mostly self-published e-books - are rather hit-and-miss. 

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