Saturday, December 08, 2007

the sunshine retreat

I'm in Sharon, Pennsylvania for the weekend. Helping out with the "Sunshine Retreat" - a weekend-long party for mentally handicapped adults. It's lots of fun. The retreat also serves as a reunion: I get to see several of my old friends again. Jessica, Elizabeth, Margie, Bucci. Amos and Kyle would be included in the mix, but I see them all the time. I have been cuddling with the dogs, watching Animal Planet, and playing in the snow. I have a headache, though, and that's no fun. It's weird being at camp and seeing the trees naked and bare, the snow covering everything. Last time I was here, it was the hottest week of summer. The past four months have gone by so fast. So much has happened. My hopes with Courtney were dashed. My hopes with Jessie were thrown to the sharks. I passed through the dark valley once more, but I came out into the light once again. I'm content to be where I'm at, I'm discovering who I am, and I am making progress as a human being, trying to be a loving person in a world full of selfishness, greed, and indifference. Sometimes I succeed. I'm going to go see if they've cut the cookie cake yet. Bye.

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