This past year I read (or reread) 185 books. That's a new record! (Reading an Hour a Day can get you far in life!) |
~ Religion & Spirituality ~
Knowing God (J.I. Packer)
The Heidelberg Catechism: A Study Guide (G.I. Williamson, 1993)
The Godly Man's Picture (Thomas Watson, 1660)
Is God Anti-Gay? (Sam Allberry, 2013)
Empires of Dirt: Secularism, Radical Islam, and the Mere Christendom Alternative
(Douglas Wilson, 2016)
Act Like Men: 40 Days to Biblical Manhood (James MacDonald, 2014)
Man Up! Becoming a Godly Man in an Ungodly World (Jody Burkeen, 2011)
The Grace of Shame (Tim Bayly, 2017)
Daddy Tried: Overcoming the Failures of Fatherhood (Bayly, 2016)
Real Marriage (Mark Driscoll, 2013)
Recovering Redemption (Matt Chandler, 2014)
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters (Meg Meeker, 2007)
Amusing Ourselves to Death (Neil Postman, 2005)
The Dawkins Delusion (Alister McGrath, 2010)
The Devil's Delusion: Atheism & Its Scientific Pretensions (David Berlinski, 2009)
Darwin's Doubt (Stephen C. Meyer, 2014)
Evolution 2.0 (Perry Marshall, 2015)
Deliver Us From Evolution? (Aaron R. Yilmaz, 2016)
The End of Reason (Ravi Zacharias, 2008)
The Real Face of Atheism (Zacharias, 2004)
The Grand Weaver (Zacharias, 2010)
Has Christianity Failed You? (Zacharias, 2010)
Why Suffering? (Vince Vitale & Zacharias, 2015)
~ The History of England ~
from prehistoric times through the height of the British Empire
Prehistoric Europe (ed. Barry Cunliffe, 1994)
Warfare in Prehistoric Britain (Julian Heath, 2013)
Britain Begins (Cunliffe, 2014)
Britain BC: Life in Britain and Ireland Before the Romans (Francis Pryor, 2004)
History of the Britons (Nennius, 6th century AD)
Roman Britain (Henry Freeman, 2016)
Early & Roman Britain (Edward Conybeare, 1903)
Roman Britain (Peter Salway, 1984)
Roman Britain: A New History (Guy de la Bedoyere, 2014)
On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain (Gildas, 6th century AD)
Early Britain (Alfred Church, 1889)
Britain After Rome: The Rise and Fall, 400-1070 AD (Robin Fleming, 2011)
Britain AD: A Quest for Arthur, England, and the Anglo-Saxons (Pryor, 2005)
The Anglo-Saxon Age (John Blair, 1984)
The Anglo-Saxons (James Campbell, et. al., 1991)
Alfred the Great and the Viking Invasions of Europe (Beatrice Lees, 1919)
The Conquest of England (John Green, 1883)
The Vikings (Don Nardo, 2010)
England During the Dark Ages: 449-1071 AD (Green, 1895)
Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Venerable Bede, AD 731)
The Norman Conquest: The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon
England (Marc Morris, 2014)
The Norman Conquest (George Garnett, 2010)
Medieval Britain (John Gillingham, 2002)
England and the Crusades: 1095-1588 (Christopher Tyerman, 1988)
Magna Carta: The Birth of Liberty (Dan Jones, 2016)
The Plantagenets (Jones, 2014)
William Wallace and Robert the Bruce (Charles River, 2015)
The Hundred Years War: England vs. France
The Hundred Years War (William M. Lace, 1994)
The Hundred Years War: Essential Histories (Anne Curry, 2002)
The Hundred Years War: The English in France, 1337-1453
(Desmund Seward, 1999)
The Hundred Years War: England and France at War
(Christopher Allmand, 1988)
England Expects: The Battle of Sluys (Corrigan, 2016)
The Armies of Crecy and Poitiers (Christopher Rothero, 1981)
French Armies of the Hundred Years War (Nicolle & McBride, 2000)
Henry V and the Conquest of France (Knight & Turner, 1998)
The Armies of Agincourt (Rothero, 1981)
The Wars of the Roses: Lancaster vs. Yorkshire
A Brief History of the Wars of the Roses (David Hume, 1905)
The Wars of the Roses (Terence Wise & G.A. Embleton, 1983)
The Wars of the Roses (Lace, 1995)
The Wars of the Roses: 1377-1471 (Robert Mowat, 2014)
The Wars of the Roses (River, 2017)
The Tudors (John Guy, 2013)
Queen Elizabeth & the Spanish Armada (Francis Winwar, 1954)
Stuart Britain (John Morrill, 2000)
The English Civil War (Robert Freeman, 2014)
The Glorious Revolution (River, 2017)
The American Revolution (Henry Freeman, 2016)
Trafalgar & Waterloo (River, 2014)
The War of 1812 (Freeman, 2016)
The British Empire (River, 2017)
~ Historical Miscellany ~
The Story of the World: The Ancient World (Susan Wise Bauer, 2006)
Empires of Mesopotamia (Nardo, 2000)
The Assyrian Empire (Nardo, 1998)
The Persian Empire (Nardo, 1997)
Ancient Egypt (Nardo, 2002)
Ancient Egypt (Judith Crosher, 1993)
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt (Toby Wilkinson, 2013)
Weapons and Warfare of Ancient Egypt (Nardo, 2002)
Ancient Greece (Peter Ackroyd, 2005)
The Roman Republic (Nardo, 1994)
The Punic Wars (Nardo, 1996)
The Collapse of the Roman Republic (Nardo, 1998)
The Roman Empire (Nardo, 1994)
Stephen Beisty's Rome (Stephen Beisty, 2003)
The Story of the World: The Middle Ages (Bauer, 2007)
The Roman Empire and the Dark Ages (Giovanni Caselli, 1981)
A Brief Political and Geographic History of Europe (Frances Davey, 2008)
The Early Middle Ages (Nardo, 1995)
The Invaders: Romans, Barbarians, Vikings, Normans, Gothic Tribes,
& Moslems (Martin Windrow, 1979)
Barbarians (Stephen Knoll, 2009)
Medieval Warfare (Nardo, 2015)
Weapons & Warfare of the Middle Ages (Nardo, 2003)
Stephen Beisty's Castle (Beisty, 2013)
Castles (Meredith Hooper, 2006)
A Cultural Atlas of the Middle Ages (Mike Corbishley, 2007)
The Story of the World: The Early Modern World (Bauer, 2004)
The Story of the World: The Modern World (Bauer, 2005)
World War One (Rupert Colley, 2012)
World War Two (Colley, 2011)
The Korean War
The Korean War (Andrew Mulholland, 2013)
The Korean War (Andrew Santella, 2007)
The Korean War: A History (Bruce Cumings, 2011)
The Korean War (Hourly History, 2017)
The Korean War: A Captivating Guide (Captivating History, 2017)
Valleys of Death: A Memoir of the Korean War (Bill Richardson, 2010)
The Battle for Pusan: A Memoir (Addison Terry, 2007)
From the Cockpit: Coming of Age in the Korean War (Tex Atkinson, 2004)
Jet Pioneer: A Fighter Pilot's Memoir (Carl Schneider, 2017)
Blood on the Snow: A Korean War Memoir (William Melton, 2017)
A Rage Within: A Korean War Memoir (James Campbell, 2017)
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War (Mark Black, 2012)
The Vietnam War in 50 Events (James Weber, 2015)
The Vietnam War: The Definitive Illustrated History (DK Publishing, 2017)
The Tet Offensive & the Invasion of Cambodia (Rivers, 2016)
Aircraft of the Vietnam War (Bill Gunston, 1988)
Hue 1968 (Mark Bowden, 2017)
We Were Soldiers Once... And Young (Harold G. Moore, 2004)
American Warrior: a Combat Memoir of Vietnam (John C. Bahnsen, 2008)
'Nam Raw: Excerpts from 24 Vietnam Combat Memoirs (McFarland, 2016)
Dispatches (Michael Herr, 1991)
The Vietnam War (Neil Smith, 2012)
Black Hawk Down (Bowden, 2010)
Iraq & Afghanistan
And Then All Hell Broke Loose: Two Decades in the
Middle East (Richard Engel, 2016)
The Forever War (Dexter Filkins, 2008)
The War in Afghanistan (Stuart A. Kallen, 2014)
The Iraq War (Rodney P. Carlisle, 2007)
War Journal: My Five Years in Iraq (Engel, 2008)
The Second Battle of Fallujah (Rivers, 2016)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore (Jay Sekulow, et. al., 2014)
Because They Hate (Brigitte Gabriel, 2006)
A History of Sharia Law (Rivers, 2016)
The Syrian Civil War (Rivers, 2017)
~ Fiction & Literature ~
Black Ships Before Troy (Rosemary Sutcliff, 2005)
Simon Scarrow's
Eagle Series
Under the Eagle (2000)
The Eagle's Conquest (2001)
When the Eagle Hunts (2002)
The Eagle and the Wolves (2003)
The Eagle's Prey (2004)
Bernard Cornwell's
Saxon Tales
The Last Kingdom (2004)
The Pale Horseman (2005)
The Lords of the North (2006)
Sword Song (2007)
The Burning Land (2009)
Death of Kings (2011)
The Pagan Lord (2013)
The Empty Throne (2014)
Warriors of the Storm (2015)
The Flame Bearer (2016)
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (George R.R. Martin, 2015)
The Hammer of God (Arthur C. Clarke, 1994)
Imperial Earth (Clarke, 1974)
Childhood's End (Clarke, 1952)
Pirate Latitudes (Michael Crichton, 2009)
Dragon Teeth (Crichton, 2017)
The Dead Zone (Stephen King, 1979)
Salem's Lot (King, 1975)
Gray Mountain (John Grisham, 2014)
The Racketeer (Grisham, 2012)
The Hunt for Red October (Tom Clancy, 1984)
Red Storm Rising (Clancy, 1986)
The Orchard Keeper (Cormac McCarthy, 1965)
Outer Dark (McCarthy, 1968)
Child of God (McCarthy, 1973)
Blood Meridian (McCarthy, 1985)
No Country for Old Men (McCarthy, 2005)
The Road (McCarthy, 2006)
Alas, Babylon (Pat Frank, 2005)
On the Beach (Nevil Shute, 2010)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (James Luceno, 2005)
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel (Luceno, 2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Alexander Freed, 2016)
Episode IV: A New Hope (George Lucas, 1986)
Battlefront: Twilight Company (Freed, 2015)
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Donald F. Glut, 1985)
Shadows of the Empire (Steve Perry, 1996)
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (James Kahn, 1983)
Aftermath: Star Wars (Chuck Wendig, 2016)
Aftermath: Life Debt (Wendig, 2017)
Aftermath: Empire's End (Wendig, 2017)
Bloodline (Claudia Gray, 2017)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (Foster, 2016)
Star Wars: Complete Locations (D.K. Publishing, 2016)