Tuesday, March 30, 2021

the year in books [III]

This next installment of my 2021 Reading Queue is a series of books in Patrick O'Brian's fantastic Aubrey-Maturin Series. At the conclusion of this installment, there remain only two books in Aubrey-Maturin's series (The Hundred Days and Blue at the Mizzen) and two books in Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe Series (Sharpe's Waterloo and Sharpe's Devil). I'll be supplementing the last four books with another book by Cornwell, Gallows Thief, which is a stand-alone that takes place shortly after the Napoleonic Wars (and that's how I justify including it). In 2018 I decided to read through the O'Brian and Cornwell Napoleonic Series in chronological order, and three years later it'll be coming to a close. I'm not going to lie, that actually makes me sad. These were great series that lack an equal (but I'll be picking up some other naval adventure series in the hope that they can rekindle the joy these authors have brought me). 

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