Wednesday, September 29, 2021

the year in books [XI]

The twelfth installment of 2021's 'Year in Books' is a collection of historical fiction of the Second World War. P.T. Deutermann leads the pack with three books from his Pacific Series: Pacific Glory, The Nugget, and Sentinels of Fire were all 5-star reads. Deutermann pictures naval and aerial combat in the Pacific Theater with exquisite and poignant ease. Jeff Shaara's To Wake the Giant is the first in his new World War Two series and covers the attack on Pearl Harbor. Kevin Miller's excellent The Silver Waterfall captures the drama and destruction of Torpedo Eight at the Battle of Midway. Edward L. Beach's Run Silent, Run Deep is the prime historical novel of Pacific submarine warfare. Given that he served in submarines during the Pacific Theater, his novel captures the terror in a way only someone who's been there can do. I look forward to reading more of Deutermann's series next year, along with Shaara's newly-released novel of the Battle of Midway. 

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