Friday, June 27, 2008

catchin' up

It has been a week since I’ve posted, and—oh boy!—what a week it has been. My beautiful girlfriend took the bus from Cincinnati to Chicago, and then from Chicago to Minneapolis, and we spent the week together. We went to the Mall of America, visited a couple pubs and bars, went camping at William O’Brien State Park, went fishing in a storm and caught a good meal of croppies and sunfish, fixed up some deer cutlets… The list of things we did together goes on and on. I enjoyed every minute of it. I dropped her off at the bus station in Minneapolis late last night, and driving back to the house along the dark roads with nothing but the radio felt quite lonesome. I will see her again in about a month and a half. I guess I’ll just have to make do without her presence once more. 

 Mom and Dad are on their way up here right now. Busy week, eh? Yup. We don’t really have much planned. Dad is running/biking/canoing a triathlon at Worth Lake in Minneapolis, so Mom and I might go to the Mall of America. The Mall there is pretty exciting. They have an amazing Lego store with Lego sets that cost 500 dollars! I’m excited about seeing them, and I wish Amanda would be coming, but—alas!—she has to work. 

I just finished my sermon for this weekend. It’s entitled “The Swarm of the Locust” and focuses on the need for repentance and the coming Great Judgment, with the backdrop of Joel’s prophesies and the subsequent Fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in 586 B.C. as the illustration. It should be pretty good. I won’t get to practice it very much, but that’s okay. I’d rather spend time with my family. Here is a picture I took while fishing with Karen on Martin Lake:

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