Sunday, June 15, 2008

on fishing, et al.

So I went fishing again. I told Mel, “There’s something so relaxing, so serene, so tranquil about fishing. It’s like, when I get out there, everything just fades away, and it’s just me, the rippling water, the cool breeze, and the birds singing and geese swimming.” It is nearly a romantic experience. Today is Father’s Day; I called Dad and told him, “When you guys come up here in July, we’re going to go fishing and fix us some fresh-caught fish.” He liked the sound of that. I’m slowly piecing together my sermon for not this week but next. It’s called “Cosmic Redemption” and is a topical sermon about the future of our planet and the human species, and it’s centered upon Colossians 1.15-20. Colossians is a fascinating letter to read; the Apostle Paul wrote it to the Christians in the city of Colossae, and it was written to combat Judaizing-Gnosticists that had begun to spread their false teaching throughout the church. It’s interesting that our concept of Heaven has more to do with Gnosticism than the Holy Scriptures (I will be sure to make that point in my sermon!). 

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