Thursday, July 31, 2008
on Spirit Baptism
Monday, July 28, 2008
I know it’s been a couple centuries since I have written on this thing. Sitting in the office today, with nothing to do, I decided I wanted to begin blogging again. The most obvious beginning to this blogging endeavor is filling all you zero readers in on all that has been happening in my life.
I am only a year away from graduating with my Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, with an emphasis in Pauline literature.
I am dating the most wonderful girl in the word, a German chick named Karen. We worked at the Hilltop CafĂ© for a year or two, building a friendship, and started dating in February of this year. We shared our first kiss on Valentine’s Day. I do love her, I won’t be shy about that. We are not engaged, but we have been seriously talking about marriage. Her mom really likes me, and she is constantly asking Karen what kind of wedding she wants, when she wants to get married, has she picked out the people who will be in the wedding, etc. I want to get married, but I want to get my finances in a somewhat stable position before doing so. She has already graduated college and is in the Master’s program for Psychological Counseling. So if we get married in, say, December, we’ll be working full-time, going to school full-time, being sucked in debt, and trying to have a good marriage. Her parents offered us to live in the apartment in their basement for really low rent. That’s a relief, at least! But, sadly, I don’t like the city, and I would rather get married and move out into the country… But that wouldn’t happen for at least two to three years, until she is done with her Master’s. Also, she has to do a practicum in a year, which means that she may be going anywhere in the nation to do it.
I have been in Minnesota for nearly three months now, serving as an Associate Pastor at a small church in the southern portion of the State. It has been a wonderful experience thus far, and even though it will be sad to leave this Sunday, to head back home, I’m still excited about seeing my family, friends, and girlfriend again.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
honeymoon option #1
Friday, July 25, 2008
a nice dream
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
minnesota updates
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
existentialist christianity
Saturday, July 05, 2008
from the church office
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
on fishing (II)
books read: 2024
this year I read 60 books, meeting my goal of reading less than last year! ~ Nonfiction ~ HISTORY The Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt (J...

Paul vs. the Judaizers When we read St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we are reading not a theological treatise but rather a snapshot of ...
My internet connection isn't up yet, so I trekked over to the coffee shop and found internet. It smells like paradise in here, it is sim...
Life’s changing and it’s changing quickly. I can barely keep up with it. New job, new home, an entirely different structure to my life. I wo...