Monday, July 30, 2012

the 57th week

Monday. Sarah and I opened, and I got off a bit early and ran up to the Atrium Medical Center in Middletown to get some lung function tests (per mother's request). I'm no fan of hospitals (big surprise), though I did almost fall asleep in their overstuffed chairs in the waiting room. The test took about an hour, and then I headed a few miles farther north to visit Mom, Aunt Teri & Grandma at the house, and then I hiked over to Tyler's and we spent the evening watching Breaking Bad, eating Wendy's for dinner, playing MW3, and hanging out with his neighbors in the apartment below. It was quite a good evening.

Tuesday. I opened with Sarah yet again, and then Mom, Grandma, Aunt Teri & Ams came into T.M. to grab lunch with me, and then we all headed up to Dayton for Mom's belated Christmas gift: a hot air balloon ride! It was fantastic: it's so still and quiet up there, and we saw deer and spooked a herd of cattle and dogs were chasing us far below. It's crazy how much greenspace there is, everything looks so developed from the roads. It gives you an idea of the vast expanse of undeveloped American land. We had a champagne toast after the flight (it's a French custom; the French invented hot air balloons), and we got late-night Marion's Pizza before Ams & I headed back to Cincinnati.

Wednesday. I didn't go in till 10:00, so I got to sleep in and hit up The Anchor before closing with Amos. I took Amos home, the Loth House, and I scouted his new room: it's either an abandoned wine cellar or storm bunker, and it's pretty rustic and cool. We played some video games and hung out with John & Brandy, who live there, too, and I headed home and had a healthy dinner and watched 30 Rock.

Thursday. I went to The Anchor for coffee and to read The Last Full Measure. I should have it done by the end of the weekend. Amos & I closed, and then we ran by the Kroghetto and went back to his place to grill out on John's new monster-truck grill: steaks, shells & cheese, portabello mushrooms, and green & pole beans. Brandy milled about while we cooked and scavenged the remnants. "You two cooking together is always something to watch!" We watched "Deadly Women" on Netflix and Andy joined us for some C.O.D. in the Cellar (not the Dungeon, that's a Claypole designation, the titles are different). Some decent storms came through, there were five tornadoes across the border in Indiana, and back home I rounded out the night sitting on the front porch reading The Last Full Measure with the rain falling all around.

Friday. I went to The Anchor before my 10-close with Amos. It was a pretty hectic day, and another storm chased its way downtown. I happened to be on Fountain Square when it happened, the merchants' tents being torn from their struts, the trees all bowed over, the patrons at Mint Martini scrambling to get inside as the patio umbrellas turned up in the driving rain. I took Amos home after work and stayed there for a while, playing MW3 and hanging with him, John, Brandy, & Erin. "This is basically an extension of The Claypole House," Brandy said. "Now there's just two houses instead of one!" 

Saturday. I did coffee at The Anchor and ran downtown to deliver some things to Emily at Carew. Amos & I devoured some Dusmesh and took a plate down to Andy, who was also working Carew. Amos & I returned to his place and played video games and watched The Patriot with Brandy. I got back home around 8:00, and after a much-needed shower, Andy & I picked up nachos and wings from Rock Bottom downtown, and we feasted while watching Woody Allen's Annie Hall.

Sunday. I had my becoming-ritual breakfast burritos, and then I sat on the front porch and finished The Last Full Measure, and I celebrated by finishing the Ken Burns' serial documentary of The Civil War. I went down to Carew to see Emily & Andy and also to get an iced soy mocha. I spent the afternoon doing some much needed R&R, and then I went to the Starbucks in Mariemont for a bit and then hiked over to The Anchor to do some writing. I went over to Amos' yet again, and we played MW3. Andy came by, joined us for a bit, and then we all went back to The Claypole House: Amos is opening Carew tomorrow, with C. Isaac being in Portland visiting Rob & Mandy, and since I'm opening 600, he's hitching a ride with me come morning.

It's been a pretty good week.
I've really needed that.

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