Saturday, June 02, 2007

my evolving theology

The other night, as I stood out on the deck, looking at the moon, I thought about my evolving theology. Before I started school at Cincinnati Christian University, I wrote a treatise of my theological beliefs called "the forgotten message." Many of my views since then have changed. Not because I have better schooling or a widened vocabulary when it comes to theological ideas and thoughts, but because of my life experiences. Our life experiences shape our theology. One's biblical theology, you could say, flows from his or her interpretation of the biblical texts. Yet no interpretation of the biblical texts goes without the influences of one's culture, values, and personal biases. Our life experiences also have a profound influence on how we read and interpret the biblical texts. When I was suicidally depressed, much of my theology evolved and transformed. It's nothing I'm ashamed of. It's how these things go. Yet one of the most profitable evolving theologies I underwent was the transformation of my perspective on God's character. I had viewed God, subconsciously, as One who searches us inside-out for any faults and then punishes us by taking away what we truly desire. This was the perspective I had when Julie broke up with me. Over the past few months, propelled by my depression, I came to a new understanding of God's character: He is a God of Love and a God of Grace. As the Apostle Paul puts it, God's abounding grace far exceeds our abounding sin.

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