Sunday, July 29, 2007

midnight meditations

I’m realizing how much I love Courtney. And it sucks because I can’t be with her. Not right now, anyways. We broke up right before my summer job started. Of the five people who went into working at J.B.M. with boyfriends/girlfriends, all were single going out. J.B.M. is the devil’s playground when it comes to relationships, I guess. One of my best friends got a text message from his girlfriend: “I’ve found someone else.” And that was that. Ugh.

In other news, I’ve been to Starbucks three times in the last 24 hours: an iced caramel macchiato, a chai tea, and a vanilla bean frappe. I think the vanilla bean was my favorite, but I’m still entirely devoted to the macchiato.

Two weeks till school starts. What is my schedule like this week? Swimming sometime with Nathan and Chris, most likely more Starbucks, work on losing touching searching, take Ams to Kentucky, and hopefully hang out with Dewenter.

It’s late/early, so I must be going.

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