Thursday, September 20, 2012

on election & predestination

Here is yet another post Mandy won't read. But that's ok, I love her anyways! And I'm well aware that most people don't share my interests and will have no desire to read this. But in the off-chance that someone finds this subject compelling, I'm presenting here a little essay of sorts advocating corporate election over the schemes prevalent within Calvinism and Arminianism. I've studied this subject pretty in-depth, and I think this little article will shed some light on why I think corporate election offers the best understanding of the subject. So for those wanderers who may find themselves on this website due to a google search on the subject (or, perhaps, even Bing?), please enjoy. 

Election and Predestination

As an afterthought, it annoys the HELL out of me that Scribd doesn't keep the justified setting for the typeset. 

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