Tuesday, January 06, 2015

books read: 2014

Last year I read 40 books. (that's an average of .75 books a week) With any luck this year, I can top that at one book a week, maybe more. GAME ON. As a salute to at least one successful 2014 resolution, here are the books I read in a trendy compilation.

- Religious Books -

Life After Death (Dinesh D'Souza)
What's So Amazing About Grace? (Philip Yancey)
The New Testament & The People of God (N.T. Wright)
The Oxford History of the Biblical World
Israel & The Nations (F.F. Bruce)
Follow Me (David Platt)
Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
The Screwtape Letters (Lewis)
Recovering Redemption (Matt Chandler)
The Gospel's Power & Message (Paul Washer)
Gospel Assurance & Warnings (Washer)
The Gospel Call & True Conversion (Washer)
Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church (Washer)
Hearing God (Dallas Willard)
Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)
The Way (Josemaria Escriva)
Victory in Jesus: The Bright Hope of Postmillennialism (Greg L. Bahnsen)
Postmillennialism: An Eschatology of Hope (Keith Mathison)

- Historical Books - 

The American Revolution (Bruce Lancaster)
The French & Indian War (Walter Borneman)
The War That Made America (Fred Anderson)
A Short History of the Civil War (James Stokesbury)
An Army at Dawn (Rick Atkinson)
Eagle Against the Sun (Ronald H. Spector)
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Jared Diamond)
Shiloh (Shelby Foote)
The Conquerors (Allan W. Eckert)
Wilderness Empire (Eckert)
That Dark & Bloody River (Eckert)
The Final Storm (Jeff Shaara)

- Fiction Books -

The Exorcist (William Peter Blatty)
The Stand (Stephen King)
The Shining (King)
On Writing (King)
Airframe (Michael Crichton)
A Case of Need (Crichton)

- Marriage Books -

What He Must Be (Voddie Bougham, Jr.)
The Sacred Search (Gary Thomas)
Reforming Marriage (Douglas Wilson)
The Federal Husband (Wilson)
My Life For Yours (Wilson)

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