Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I imagine driving down the highway and seeing the semi plowing into my lane. Time slows, dripping away to almost nothing. An insane calm, peace, tranquility and happiness comes over me – the portal into heaven is opening, its atmosphere washing over me. Bright light fills the Jeep; the sound of the engine fades, my entire body tingling, a gentle warm air and salty breeze rushing past me. I suddenly realize I am no longer in the seat, no longer strapped down, and an indescribable feeling, so much more intense than an orgasm or even being high on drugs, overcomes everything I am and all I know. I am standing, except no longer do I wear my ruddy work-clothes; now I am dressed in loose jean shorts and a t-shirt. The flab from my weight-loss is gone, my entire body shaped and molded in a stunning physique, the icon of masculine perfection; the acne has completely vanished without leaving even a scar or blemish in its wake. I am spinning around on my heels in the brilliant light, confused yet excited at the same time. I feel as if I am rushing through a wind tunnel; my eyes fall upon the walls and I see my life flashing by on either side, everything from birth to now, except its only the good times, the happy times. My years of depression and sorrow are absent, as are all the mistakes I’ve made. Then it is over, and the whiteness sharpens into a corridor, a corridor stretching forever; a door appears on the horizon, rushing at me, and suddenly it is right before me, so close my forehead almost touches it. My hand instinctively grabs the doorknob; it seems to pulse in my grasp and its warmth floods through me. An earthen glow comes between the cracks in the door, and I hear laughter, the songs of birds and the crashing waves of the ocean; the scent of flowers in mountain pastures; the doorknob twists in the palm of my hand, and as it swings open, a wave of energy washes over me. Beyond the door… indescribable.

1 comment:

darker than silence said...

Jeeps are sexy

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