Monday, June 26, 2006

Last night commenced the first Southwest Gathering of "element." The participants gathered in a renovated bus garage, where we prayed through contemplative music, reflected on the vastness of God's beautiful creation, and reveled in the wonders of nature. Jeff and Adam led us in worship; Jeff said, "Creation shouts of the presence of God." Adam added, "We, as God's followers, should shout His presence by the way we live our lives." In Adam's "devotional" message, he said, "The Good News is not just about how we get into heaven when we die; it isn't a guide to 'how-to-die.' While the Good News does have to do with that, it is so much more: its message is 'how-to-live,' showing us how we are to live in this journey of ours called life."

Several stations were set up around the room, such as a scripture-reading/journaling station and a station where the participant molded clay in his or her hands as an act of worship (God is the creator, and as His "viceroys" in the world, we too, are creators). God spoke to me last night, which is always good. I am the kind of person who likes to have life figured out; I want to know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, and how it's going to come about. Unfortunately for me, life is wild and risky and unpredictable. We don't really know if we will live to see another sunrise. In regards to the future, I am concerned about Australia: "Will I be able to raise the money?" God has told me, "Trust Me. If I want you to go to Australia, it will happen." So that's comforting.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Life is indeed risky and definetely unpredictable. Sometimes I wonder what the meaning of life really is...

And about your trip to Australia: listen to God he's always right ;)

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