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Chris, Pat & Lee: best high school buds ever |
Tuesday. Chris, Lee, and Pat D. came over after school. Lee was "kicked out" of Forsake Me Not. He doesn't care, actually prefers it that way. Pat D. wanted to go to North Park so we did. He and Chris sprayed me with Axe deodorant on our walk down there, and I sprayed Chris back, and Lee sprayed water all over me. I ran off into the woods as the trio threw sticks at me. I ran to the Hilltop, a secret little knoll in the middle of the woods with a single fallen tree and beer cans littering the tall grass. Pat, Chris and Lee made their way up, and on the knoll Pat D. threw another stick at me, and I tripped over the fallen log and sprawled out in the ferns. I went to get up and Chris threw a rock at me, and it hit me in the throat. I could barely breathe. I pulled the Axe container from my pocket to get them back, and I charged after them all and they were running down the hillside, and I stumbled over a root and kept my balance for a moment; but then my hands jerked and I accidentally sprayed myself in the eyes with the body-spray and I collapsed to the ground in agony. Pat D. ran over and grabbed the Axe and kept spraying me while I was down. Chris went to grab a rock to throw at me but ended up picking up dried dog poop. We brushed ourselves off and hurried back to the house, and I changed into new clothes. We ran by Jeff's place on our way to Small Group at Zach & Kristen's, and during Small Group I had to lead a sub-group of only girls on the subject of temptation. Ashlie found it hilarious. We ate at McDonald's afterwards, and I dropped Pat D. and Lee off at the Williams' and ran Ashlie home. She was getting out of the Jeep and I accidentally put the Jeep in reverse and hit the gas, and she nearly fell out. I couldn't stop laughing.
Wednesday. Mom, Day, Ams and I went out to eat at Olive Garden, and I got their Seafood Portifino. I went over to Lee's afterwards. Chris was at his own small group. I felt kinda depressed most of the evening, feeling so rejected and alone. It happens. Sometimes I feel like everyone despises, loathes, and hates me. I feel left out, like I'm a burden. Hopefully these feelings vanish. Life is better when you're happy. How can I help people when it feels like I'm an unwanted, repulsive pest?
Thursday. I worked 4-7:00 after school, and then I picked up Chris & Pat D. and we went back to my place. My parents were having their usual Thursday night small group, so we went upstairs. Pat D. lost himself in Battlefield 1942 yet again--"This idiot is gonna get us killed... These people are so freaking stupid... none of these guys even know how to fight a war!"
Friday. I still felt a little depressed, but it was wearing off. We had a power outage at school. I took Lee home, and in the school parking lot as we were leaving there was a three-car wreck. I worked 4-9:00, a very slow 5-hour shift. I work 9-3:00 tomorrow, and next week's going to feel like a vacation: Monday's my birthday, I work Friday (and only Friday), and I shouldn't have a whole lot of homework. After work I played some Bf1942 and looked up some info on the Peace Corps. I may look into it after college.
Saturday. I had two really weird dreams last night:
(1) Morgan from Geometry came over, and we were hitting it off real good, it was very promising, but then Dylan showed up, and she gave him all her attention and thus he swept her off her feet and stole her away from me. It made me mad.
(2) I was in a rocky valley pass. A death rider on a black horse galloped my way. I rolled out from under the trampling hooves, and then a demonic-looking goblin attacked me from the rocks, stabbed me in the arm, the leg, and the chest with some elvish three-pronged fork. I fought back, grabbed the fork, and stabbed the creature in its chest, over and over, until blood covered everything. The prongs were embedded in its scaly flesh, but I wrenched it out and kept stabbing it: in the face, the eyes, twice in the neck, and I cut open its cheeks. It screamed for mercy but it would not have it. Kinda messed up.
I burned a Boomshakalaka CD and blared it in my car when I picked up Lee after my 9-3:00 shift. We went to the Springboro High School Art Show. I have a charcoal drawing on display, it's a drawing of the Roman coliseum. Lee & I ate at Penn Station for dinner, and then we went back to his place where Chris, Pat D., and Hague (slash Hank) were prepping for tonight's Forsake Me Not show. All of them were 'too cool' for us when practicing for their show. Fools! Lee, Bryon, Debbi and I went to Centerville Music to buy Lee a new guitar, but the store was closed. Someone drove past us going 55 mph in a 35 mph zone, and Bryon flashed his lights, honked his horn, screamed at them. When we got back to the house the guys were gone, and Lee and I were going to spend the evening quietly at his place, but Ashlie's parents were going to the show (since Ashlie's dating Hank), and she offered to pick up Lee so he decided to go. Some people at 412 don't like Ashlie because she's perceived, in a sense, as Kristen's replacement, since Hank dated her right before dating Ashlie. I wanted Kristen and I couldn't get her. Kristen wanted Hank, but she couldn't keep him. It makes me INSANE, all this stupidity.
Sunday. J.A.M. was fun but the kids were annoying, squawking like demon-possessed chickens. Mom taught our Sunday School class: she taught on servanthood, on how Jesus became a servant and lied down his life for us. Some students were baptized after church, it was super cool. Chris, Pat D. and Lee came over after church, and we ran to McDonald's for lunch. Chris & Pat D. decided to play a joke where they pretended to be asleep, and then they fell asleep for two hours. Their show last night was a disaster; Lee's so thankful he's out of the group. We went to the YMCA and joined up with the rest of 412 for an extended night of worship at a "torched" Shockwave at Wellspring Church. I didn't want to go, but Jeff was disappointed in me for not going, so I went. I rode shotgun with him in his new Expedition. The Shockwave was awesome: great worship, awesome prayer, heartwarming fellowship, a great message: Turn from Sin, Feast on God's Word, and God's Will Be Done! It was really windy and rainy during the drive home. I played some more Bf1942, read some more of James, and then hit the sack. Amanda is arguing with Dad again about something.
Wednesday. Mom, Day, Ams and I went out to eat at Olive Garden, and I got their Seafood Portifino. I went over to Lee's afterwards. Chris was at his own small group. I felt kinda depressed most of the evening, feeling so rejected and alone. It happens. Sometimes I feel like everyone despises, loathes, and hates me. I feel left out, like I'm a burden. Hopefully these feelings vanish. Life is better when you're happy. How can I help people when it feels like I'm an unwanted, repulsive pest?
Thursday. I worked 4-7:00 after school, and then I picked up Chris & Pat D. and we went back to my place. My parents were having their usual Thursday night small group, so we went upstairs. Pat D. lost himself in Battlefield 1942 yet again--"This idiot is gonna get us killed... These people are so freaking stupid... none of these guys even know how to fight a war!"
Friday. I still felt a little depressed, but it was wearing off. We had a power outage at school. I took Lee home, and in the school parking lot as we were leaving there was a three-car wreck. I worked 4-9:00, a very slow 5-hour shift. I work 9-3:00 tomorrow, and next week's going to feel like a vacation: Monday's my birthday, I work Friday (and only Friday), and I shouldn't have a whole lot of homework. After work I played some Bf1942 and looked up some info on the Peace Corps. I may look into it after college.
Saturday. I had two really weird dreams last night:
(1) Morgan from Geometry came over, and we were hitting it off real good, it was very promising, but then Dylan showed up, and she gave him all her attention and thus he swept her off her feet and stole her away from me. It made me mad.
(2) I was in a rocky valley pass. A death rider on a black horse galloped my way. I rolled out from under the trampling hooves, and then a demonic-looking goblin attacked me from the rocks, stabbed me in the arm, the leg, and the chest with some elvish three-pronged fork. I fought back, grabbed the fork, and stabbed the creature in its chest, over and over, until blood covered everything. The prongs were embedded in its scaly flesh, but I wrenched it out and kept stabbing it: in the face, the eyes, twice in the neck, and I cut open its cheeks. It screamed for mercy but it would not have it. Kinda messed up.
I burned a Boomshakalaka CD and blared it in my car when I picked up Lee after my 9-3:00 shift. We went to the Springboro High School Art Show. I have a charcoal drawing on display, it's a drawing of the Roman coliseum. Lee & I ate at Penn Station for dinner, and then we went back to his place where Chris, Pat D., and Hague (slash Hank) were prepping for tonight's Forsake Me Not show. All of them were 'too cool' for us when practicing for their show. Fools! Lee, Bryon, Debbi and I went to Centerville Music to buy Lee a new guitar, but the store was closed. Someone drove past us going 55 mph in a 35 mph zone, and Bryon flashed his lights, honked his horn, screamed at them. When we got back to the house the guys were gone, and Lee and I were going to spend the evening quietly at his place, but Ashlie's parents were going to the show (since Ashlie's dating Hank), and she offered to pick up Lee so he decided to go. Some people at 412 don't like Ashlie because she's perceived, in a sense, as Kristen's replacement, since Hank dated her right before dating Ashlie. I wanted Kristen and I couldn't get her. Kristen wanted Hank, but she couldn't keep him. It makes me INSANE, all this stupidity.
Sunday. J.A.M. was fun but the kids were annoying, squawking like demon-possessed chickens. Mom taught our Sunday School class: she taught on servanthood, on how Jesus became a servant and lied down his life for us. Some students were baptized after church, it was super cool. Chris, Pat D. and Lee came over after church, and we ran to McDonald's for lunch. Chris & Pat D. decided to play a joke where they pretended to be asleep, and then they fell asleep for two hours. Their show last night was a disaster; Lee's so thankful he's out of the group. We went to the YMCA and joined up with the rest of 412 for an extended night of worship at a "torched" Shockwave at Wellspring Church. I didn't want to go, but Jeff was disappointed in me for not going, so I went. I rode shotgun with him in his new Expedition. The Shockwave was awesome: great worship, awesome prayer, heartwarming fellowship, a great message: Turn from Sin, Feast on God's Word, and God's Will Be Done! It was really windy and rainy during the drive home. I played some more Bf1942, read some more of James, and then hit the sack. Amanda is arguing with Dad again about something.
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