Friday, February 06, 2015

[the Dwellers of the Night trilogy]

- The City of Seven Hills -
294 pages

The disease came suddenly and without warning. This first installment of the "Dwellers of the Night" trilogy begins with the disease’s outbreak. This is a story about tragedy, despair, and hopelessness in a world thrown askew. Covering the first six months of the disease’s rampage, this book explores the nature of “the dark-walkers” and The Man’s struggle to preserve both his soul - and his skin.

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- The Church of 89 Steps -
364 pages

The second installment of the Dwellers of the Night Trilogy begins at a survivor’s colony on the eastern side of the city. The Man discovers he isn’t as alone as he thought: there are more survivors than just him and Mark. He and Mark settle into life in the survivor’s colony, but The Man knows it’s simply a matter of time before the survivors’ complacency is shown up for what it really is. He concocts a wild idea: a last-ditch effort, a journey to Alaska, where the disease’s effects will have had less of an impact, and where he can live a somewhat normal life. The others at the colony uncover his plans and several members wish to join him. As he wrestles with the idea of setting out with companions rather than by himself, a psychotic turncoat within their ranks spells death for them all.

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- The Road West -
542 pages

The final installment of the Dwellers of the Night Trilogy traces the perilous and horrifying journey of a handful of colony survivors on their westward journey across the United States. They soon find that the journey will cost them much more than they thought as they stand against raiders during the day and dark-walkers during the night. The Man wrestles with his own demons and the waking nightmares that accost him.

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