Tuesday, June 01, 2004

accounting fail

Well. Today I learn that I failed Accounting I. I saw it coming. I never was good in that class, no matter how hard I tried. I never had a partner to cheat off of, either (is this a good or bad thing?), so I was much slower than the rest of the class. I guess I am polar opposites of my father. He is so good at math and accounting, but terrible at other things (like golf, for instance, though he refuses to admit it); I stink at math and accounting, and while I don't do good with long-distance putting, I am pretty good at explaning things and helping those in tough spots. God gives us all different gifts. I knew I shouldn't have taken accounting, and I can't really tell you why I did. Oh well. At least I know the last thing I want to go into is accounting. There's something positive. No accounting is always positive :-).

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