The Beat at SHS
So much has been going on at SHS. We now have prayer groups in all three lunches, with a total headcount of over 150 students not ashamed to be talking to God before their peers. Two friends, my sister and I are in a small prayer group of such, not really aimed at getting the Message out, but it's a place where we read a devotional, pray, and strengthen each other. Thursday night small group - flame - should be pretty good. My friend Kristen and Tony help lead G.R.I.P., which is HUGE; it is a Friday morning prayer group. We kicked off the first SHS Bible Study in the LGI today; we had about 20 people, and talked about Heaven (a lot of my views on Heaven are, some would say, heretical, but they are all biblical. E-mail me ( if you want to know). I didn't lead this one; I want to step back and get some more leaders 'in on the action.' My friend Tyler Yosick actually led it, and he did an amazing job - he is going into youth ministry, also! We are all so excited about Heaven - no wonder Jesus talked about it so much! Needless to say we are touching souls and lives and building unity within the school. It is only three weeks in, and God is moving amazingly.
But with such great movements come harassment. While I haven't experienced it myself, Tyler tells me students are making fun of him; my sister says students in her lunch mock everyone in the prayer group, and so some students in the prayer group have backed down. Also my friend Ashlie and my sister were confronted by a Sophomore who said, "You guys are dumb. Just stick to yourselves." Well. Jesus didn't tell us to stick to ourselves. It is obvious there will be more harassment and persecution down the road as the voice crying out for God is heard louder and louder!
Monday, September 20, 2004
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Hey Anthony I just want you to know I'll be praying for you and your prayer groups at your lunch times today I think its awesome what you're doing You are light in the darkness 1Peter 4:14 " If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed,for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you"
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