Thursday, September 30, 2004

try this

I was reading through my psychology book and I discovered a psychological trick that messes with your brain when you're sleeping. If you want to memorize something, just before bed, recite it eight to ten times, then just go to bed. When you wake up, you'll be able to recall it on the dime. It's amazing. I've done it every night for a few nights and it is amazing. Try it out.

1 comment:

darker than silence said...

we're talking Bible verse :-). try it dude i'm serious it is grand. here are two that i can recall of the top of my head via this:

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They are innumerable! I can't even count them. They are like the grains of sand! And when I wake in the morning, you are still there, Lord!"

"This is my command: love one another. As I have loved you, you love one another. This is how the world will know you are my disciples - by the love you have for each other."

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Over the last several years, we've undergone a shift in how we operate as a family. We're coming to what we hope is a better underst...