Saturday, March 22, 2008

writing update

I have decided to make Dwellers of the Night a trilogy; the published version will be the complete collection, and it will be around 600 pages (for you college folk out there who write papers in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, that equates to an 890-page research paper). I’ve decided to go the trilogy route for two main reasons. The first is that it makes reading the book a lot easier: there are three different books, each around 200 pages, and that’s nowhere as daunting as picking up a 600-page novel. Also, it will enable me to “take a break” and spend time working on some other works of fiction I’ve been itching to write. So here is my proposed outline for the formation of my new literature: 

Dwellers of the Night: Book One 
Almost Lovers (or All Hail the Heartbreaker) 
Dwellers of the Night: Book Two 
Shadows in the Ashes 
Dwellers of the Night: Book Three 
the toothless kiss of skeletons 

And, as always, my works will be available for free PDF and MSWord download (PDF on and MSWord on my sister site). They will also be available in hardcover or paperback (which you will have to buy, but the prices are pretty good).

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