Sunday, August 11, 2013

"The Devil's Delusion"

McGrath's The Dawkins Delusion criticized Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion from a markedly Christian perspective. The Devil's Delusion by Berlinski criticizes the New Atheism movement as a whole, focusing at times on Dawkins, other times on Hitchens, and so on and so forth. Furthermore, and this what makes me like the book more than McGrath's, it's written from a purely theistic perspective. Berlinski doesn't practice a faith of his own and supports theism--the belief in a higher power, such as God--without staking a claim in any particular religious slant. His writing style is much more philosophical and open-ended than McGrath's, and his almost lofty, vague musings at points raise more questions than answers, but in the good way like you want. Click HERE for my book notes. 

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