Friday, December 20, 2013

2 1/2 years in the making

It’s taken 2 ½ years, but I’ve finally finished The Procyon Strain: Book One. And, really, 2 ½ years isn’t that bad: the Dwellers of the Night trilogy took me four years. I’m pretty content with the new ending. Although I finished the rough draft back in 2012, and though both Mandy and Ams said it was a pretty good book, Mandy convinced me the ending wasn’t as good as it could be, that the book wasn’t going anywhere. So I added a couple chapters, eliminated some fluff, and took the story exactly where I wanted it to end. Book Two will be markedly different from Book One: Book One’s style is more episodic, with bursts of action interspersed with reflective commentary. Book Two will be, through and through, a book centered on action. Another way to put it: Book One is character-driven, but Book Two will be story-driven. I’m sure I’ll have more to say on Book One once it’s ready for purchase, but to whet any appetites that may need whetting, here’s a snippet:

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