Tuesday, January 20, 2004

on "the happily gay atheist"

Was browsing the science section of www.blogersearchengine.com, seeing if I could spy any dinosaur blogs (no luck, unless you count a blog about jellyfish, dinosaurs and the satiricals of school and dating relationships a hit-and-go bingo). I came across a skeptic's website, run by a gay atheist--he calls himself a "happily gay atheist"--whose "innocent" lashes against Christians reveal something deeper underneath his skin. Perhaps something happened earlier in his life turned him against God, and in this case, specifically against Christians. Such people are called cynics--they simply aren't interested in God and refuse to change their minds. We must reach out to them, and try to find what is causing their dispositions "underneath the skin". Get to the heart of the issue. I empathize with this guy; I have friends who are cynics against Christianity, but I still love and help them out; I don't turn my back; I don't hate. We can't turn our backs to them, we can't hate them--to do so is against what Jesus commanded. I pray they will find the reality in Jesus and turn to the truth. There is nothing harder to bear than to look around and see so many people lost, confused, without direction--and refusing to turn to the Light, Jesus. Even harder to bear than death itself--for physical death ends a permanent life, but a spiritual death draws on without conclusion.

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