Monday, January 12, 2004

2004: the second week

Monday. I didn't sleep too well, and I forgot my backpack at home; so I used my US/World Studies binder all day. I did a crossword puzzle in chemistry; listening to Mr. Crain droning on and on about condensation wasn't too captivating. After work I ran by Brian's house to get some community service signatures, and I went to the library to return some Stephen King books. Before heading home I went by Chris & Lee's to return Lee's game and the jacket Chris left at the house yesterday. Pat D. joined us and we went out to Long John Silver's for lunch. Dewenter and Ashley are fine again. 

Tuesday. I took my new mini-bible to school with me today. It was very cold driving in: my hands felt numb and dead even under thermal gloves. I used a pencil in Art to paint, and in chemistry Steffen wanted five bucks but I wouldn't give it to him, and he started telling everyone I was buying pot. It was weird. I spent the day after school working on Starseed, a book I've been writing: I could have it finished by the end of the week! I also did some work on my short zombie story 12 Hours; I divided up most of the scenes into what would be cool levels in a video game. 

Wednesday. I spent all day--including school--working on Starseed, and I finally finished it! My hand hurts, but I feel so free. The ending is spectacular. I'm going to print it out, put it in a binder, and be done with it. I may be done writing novels. Ashley told me Dewenter is moving too fast for her, but I didn't know what to tell her. Later in the evening I went by Southwest at the YMCA to get some papers signed by Roger, and I helped him set up for a class he was teaching. He told me that I'm always radiating joy, and I told him it's because of Jesus. He said my joy encourages him. I had pizza for dinner and finished my Emerson/Thoreau project for English.

Thursday. It was a beast of a day at school. A beautiful foreign exchange student named Bruna from Brazil bent down in front of me, and her smooth breasts hung like doves. In Study Hall Steffen found a paper on the floor, some sort of Date Match, for a guy named Andrew at our school who's gay. Mr. Wertz crumpled it up and threw it away, and Steffen joked, "Why'd you do that? I'm sure he was just looking for a great guy!" Wertz replied, "Would you like to be the first volunteer?" and someone snickered, "Burn..." Ricky, Dylan and I--along with a guy named Alex, who loathes me--flicked pencil pieces and pen caps all across Geometry class, and Dylan accidentally hit Erika in the face. 

Friday. I worked 4-9:00 after school, and Bryon joined me on my half-hour break and we talked about 412 and some of our frustrations. We've decided to attack first-hand some of the problems in 412, and we know that although there will be lots of friction, it won't matter because God is on our side, and if God is for us, then who can be against us? 

Saturday. I went in to work at 9:30, and Dad took me to Subway on my break. I got off at 3:00 and went to North Park to spend some time in prayer regarding everything at 412. I asked Jesus to open my eyes and let me see the world as he sees it, and all of a sudden a gut-wrenching sorrow overcame me, and though I was alone in those woods, I could see different people, I could see the world. My eyes watered with tears, so many people lost! So many people confused, blinded, and going down wrong paths! Sorrow, compassion, love! My throat knotted. All these Christians blinded by Satan are held back from truly seeing God! They are saved, and they have Jesus, yet still they are lost; except now, instead of wandering in a foreign land, they are lost at home. My heart overflowed for all the lost, and I tasted just a bit of the insanely deep love, sorrow and compassion that God has for not just the believers but for the unbelievers, too. I went to Dylan and Tyler's after my time at North Park, but Tyler left to go see Ellie, some girl he's been making out with. Dylan and I played PS2, and his Mom fixed us some chicken and noodles with buttered bread, it was so good! We played pool, and when Tyler came back we watched a show on Jessica Simpson.

Sunday. I was pretty social at church, met two new people: a kid named Lonny, and a girl named Michelle. I lost my wallet at Applebee's, had to go back to get it, and I tripped on a bar stool in the process. Chris, Lee and Pat D. came over, and we went to Deal's and I got a Halloween tape and a U.F.O. ID card. Pat got some candles, Lee got a lighter, and Chris (as always) bought some candy. We went to Border's and then to Half-Price. I wanted a dinosaur book but was out of money, so Lee and Pat went around the store begging people for quarters so I could buy it. They asked one woman twice, it was pretty funny. Eventually we got enough quarters and I got the book, and we went back to my place. Chris broke down my door, and then everyone left.

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