Monday, July 05, 2004

off to CIY

I am getting ready to set out for C.I.Y. I am very excited. It was very enjoyable last year. My sister Ams is rushing to get her stuff together, and Ashlie is standing next to me--she's both nervous and excited, she says it makes her want to vomit. To stick to my diet, I woke early today and ran out to my hometown-proud I.G.A., bought six protein bars and some dried fruit. Fast food on the way there and back, so I best be prepared. They have salads on campus, so that will be nice. Oh, and let me tell you, C.I.Y. is so awesome. Nice worship, dynamic speaking, great laughs and spending time with friends and making new ones. It should be a fun trip. Heck, I already called shotgun in Ron Smith's car :-). Well, we're packing up the Montana, and I'm getting yelled at--yes, Mom, I have my towel--and now I have to go. See ya.

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