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Chris Williams: alien hunter |
Monday. Ashlie's parents picked her up and left us with gifts; I got a very nice blue sweater from some Virginian beach. Pat D. & I went to Borders and 1/2 Price, searching for Bright Eyes CDs. We couldn't find any, though CD Warehouse nonetheless had some pretty good deals. Today Lee told us that he wasn't a virgin, that a year ago to the day he had sex with a chick named Alyssa. She's in a couple of my classes, and a hottie if I might say. All of us plus Zach went running, and then we went to Zach's house to watch The Butterfly Effect. Kristen was hanging out on the sofa; I don't think about her much anymore, except at night, when she's often there, in my thoughts. Dylan wants to help out with the Thursday U-Turn groups; we still need to talk about how he's changed since his church camp two weeks ago.
Tuesday. Pat D. rode his bike over and we biked to Chris & Lee's. Zach was sick so he didn't join us. Pat D., Lee & I went on a bike ride around town, ending up at my place. You know, people tell me that there are girls out there who will look beyond the physical appearances to your personality, to who you really are, and love that. But really, I don't believe it. Every experience has been the opposite. Every girl I know, the ones who are dear to me, like sisters to me, are shallow. They don't want to be friends with unattractive people, and they make fun of people who are married to unattractive people. Kristen admitted she liked me in 2001 but was worried about looks and popularity, and I highly doubt that's changed. I apparent had something going with Georgian sweetheart Amanda C., but I moved; Rikki & I couldn't stand to be away from each other, but she moved (and became a lesbian, from what I hear). If I find a girl with mutual feelings of affection, then the world either snuffs it our or separates us. I picked up Zach for D-Group and Jeff had us all write letters to women suffering trauma from the old perv who flashed them at Claire's in the Indianapolis mall. We then walked the paths of North Park and prayed for the girls, for others, for our situations, prayed for our lives. I ferried people home and ate supper. Chris W. & Megan are "in love". But yet Megan might be dating Brad again? Chris & Megan are fools, no one knows what love is, not even me. Society is twisted.
Wednesday. I went to an orthodontic's appointment, and then I took Doogie to school where Mom was doing janitorial duty, and I showed Doogie off to all her friends. Dylan stopped by and we looked things over for U-Turn; he's pumped about helping out. I worked 3-8:00, my first time back at I.G.A. since C.I.Y. Dad says he's going to take my Jeep if I don't find a better job than I.G.A. Dylan came over after work and we talked about future plans with U-Turn, maybe a partnership with Clearcreek Worship Center, maybe use The Garage when it opens in the fall?
Thursday. I went out and got my tetanus shot, it made my arm swell up really bad. I expected eleven people for U-Turn, but 18 showed up! They were *drum-roll*: Ashlie & Ams, Erica & Bryon, Chris & Lee, Pat D. & Hank, Dylan & Tyler, Zach & Kristen, Shelby & Jackie, Ali G. & Kristin D., and Jimmy as well. We went to Dairy Queen after group. Dylan is so outgoing it's amazing. He drew in both Shelby & Kristen and had them hugging him by the end of the night. He's truly blessed with good looks, a good personality, and a new-found passion for God. It used to be that he would swear like a sailor during our U-Turns, making inappropriate jokes; now he's zealous and passionate. It's like a 180 in some ways, and I think that makes it a bit fragile. But he's flourishing.
Friday. I went for a walk last night, praying to God about my problems and incidents, hopes and dreams. He spoke back. Dylan will be heading a 'sister house church' at Clearcreek, where he worships, and we're going to team up. Our desire is to make U-Turn a revolutionary group, running off Acts 2 as a blueprint. Dylan & I went to Penn Station with Eric, Dylan's youth minister. "Pastor Eric." He loves our small group idea, it was all very encouraging. Dylan is on fire for evangelism, and his friend Alex, a new-found atheist, turned Dylan's inside-out. Both Dylan & Tyler want to go into the ministry: Tyler wants to do youth ministry, Dylan wants to go into missions. It's incredible how God is moving in Springboro! I worked 3-8:00, talked to Vicki, Ricky, and Jenny about God. Natalie D. invited us over to her place for a bonfire. She says she remembers me as 'the kid who made me laugh every day.' Tyler said, 'You're the funniest person I've ever known.' Lots of Clearcreek Christian Assembly folk were there: Natalie, of course, as well as Dylan & Tyler, and Aaron K. Jacob, Nathan, Morgan, Shannon, Jade & Jasmine... It was good to meet all of them. Dylan spent the night at my place, big storms tumbling through, shaking the windows. We found some baby rabbits outside, they were abandoned, and we've been trying to help them, and one of them died.
Saturday. Dylan & I went for a run this morning. He was more worn out than I was, though both our sides were splitting. Dylan & I fixed healthy but gross chicken quesadillas for lunch. Dylan left and I packed for Crank's Creek, and we loaded up the trailer at the church and ate out at Frisch's, ran a few errands. I held one of the baby rabbits, Amanda's super jealous. Kristen and Shelby and Megan all commented on how I'm such a powerful, creative speaker. I feel more and more drawn into the pastoral field every day; peoples' talk only confirms the Holy Spirit's workings on my heart. I saw I, Robot with Ams, Ashlie & Hank. Hank and I are becoming better friends. He's coming with us on a road-trip, woohoo! Chris and Pat D. called me, and I talked to them for a bit. They wanted me to come over and spend the night but I said No: I want to sleep in my bed this one last night before Crank's Creek. Summer's been busy!
Sunday. Dylan & Tyler came to Southwest with me this morning and they loved it. Chris brought his friend Lauren and Angie brought her friend Cristie. Shelby and Megan are amazed at my weight-loss. Mike B. is, too. We had the big ol' mission send-off at the church, and Ashlie, Ams, Lee & I ran home for a healthy lunch before rejoining at the YMCA parking lot, loading up into the transports, and driving south to Kentucky. Kudzu, towering mountains, narrow back-roads. It's the heart of Appalachia here. We had supper at a Wendy's tucked into the mountains. At the actual camp, where we're there with a few other groups, Lee & I somehow snagged the pop-up campers. We've got luxurious living while others sleep in the 'Civil War hospitals'--big covered tents filled with cots. Our roommate in the pop-up is Sean from Southport Church in Indiana. He's been here eleven times now, has a good lay of the land. Tomorrow we begin bringing a bit of the kingdom into Appalachia!
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