Monday. Jessie
and I had our mandatory Hilltop meeting from 1-3:00. Caleb’s back, pursuing his
Master’s in Counseling, and he’s working as a barista. Ams and I went to Dayton
to load some of her belonging into her car and ferry it back to her school. She
has a cool roommate, a girl named Emily.
Inauguration Day. Gambill and I went to Romans
class at 8:30. I took an end seat in the second row next to Gambill. The first
row is empty, except for one guy and Mandy K. I took Ams to the bookstore after
class, and then I napped through Chapel. I ate lunch in the Hilltop with Jessie
and Ams, and then Jessie and I went to Geology.
The class is taught by Rick Bullard, Stupid Farmer’s uncle. I kept making funny
faces and weird noises to make Jessie laugh, just as I did with Monica in Biology last year. I grabbed a coffee
from the Hilltop, and Stupid Farmer and I went to President’s Hall to go to the
bookstore and visit his uncle. Stupid Farmer confessed his crush on Amanda. I
ate dinner with him, Gambill, and Jobst. Ams and I played ping-pong in Student
Life. President Obama was sworn in today.
Wednesday. Mom told me Grandpa and Grandma M. aren’t planning on
getting a divorce, due to insurance reasons, but they ARE separating. Grandpa
is moving to Oklahoma, and Grandma is moving in with Aunt Teri. They’re putting
the house up for sale. Gambill and I ate breakfast at 7:30 and went to Genesis 1-11 with Dyke. I got an iced
latte and went to my room to do some writing. Ams got out of class at 11:00,
and we went on a cigarette run in her car. I worked 12-2:00, ate lunch with
Stupid Farmer and Ams, and did some homework in my dorm room before dinner with
Ams, Kyle, Stupid Farmer, and Gambill. Ams said she doesn’t like Bullard “like
that.” Jessie, Bullard, Justin, Ams, Faikham and I hung out in Student Life
until midnight. Faikham sat beside me and was being very cuddly: leaning
against me, her head on my shoulders, stuff like that. Jessie was shocked; I
was happy. “She’s my guilt pleasure,” I quipped. Jessie and I talked on the
phone until 1:30 AM. She’s full of confusion regarding everything with Justin.
Thursday. I had class 8:30-9:45 with Gambill, worked until 1:00, and
then had class with Jessie until 2:45. I came down with a bad headache and napped until 6 PM. I ate
dinner with Gambill, Stupid Farmer, Kyle, and Ams. Faikham and Deshay joined
us, and we went down to the café for hang-out time. We did the phalanx on Sarah
and prank-called Bethany “Kool-Aid” Heitkamp. Jessie and Justin went for a long
walk and spent the evening together. Ams told me, “I hate the way Faikham
treats you. She’s so heartless and mean.” She isn’t nicknamed the Ice Princess
for nothing; and at least I get cuddles out of it.
Friday. Jessie’s
brother Jake told her, “Either you will marry Anthony, or your friendship will
end.” I comforted her, told her not to worry. Deep down, though, I fear he was
right. Ashlie and I were best friends for four years. “We’ll always be
friends!” we exclaimed. That was naïve. Ashlie and I went our separate ways. We
don’t talk anymore. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just what is. It’s the rhythm of
relationships. Every relationship shatters in due time; and if not by choice,
then by fate, and that fate is death. Everyone who lives will one day die and
die alone. My friendship with Jessie is already beginning to wither into just
another scarred, fibrous corpse as her heart turns from me onto Justin. She and
Justin won’t be just friends; he will take all her affections. Gambill, Stupid
Farmer and I ate breakfast at the dining hall; I was up early enough to see the
sunrise. Class ran until 9:00, and then I wrote a paper in the library. I ran
to the bank, filled up the Prizm at the Sunoco, and then I met up with Jessie
for a while. I hung out with Faikham in the Hilltop, and then Ams and I went to
Party Source in Kentucky to get some beer. We went to Mount Echo to drink beer
and smoke cigarettes, and then she went home. Faikham called me, asked me to
join her, Mikaela, Jessie and Justin for a trip to Thai Taste. Mikaela told
Faikham, “I think Beast likes you,” and she just shook her head. Jessie worked
7:30-Close in the Hilltop, so Faikham and I went and kept her company. Faikham
fell asleep on my arm. She woke up homesick and went back to her dorm. She
taught me how to say “I love you” in Korean.
Saturday. Jessie and I grabbed lunch at the dining hall and went over to
Isaac’s apartment at Summit View to hang out and drink Woodchuck Cider. Isaac,
Andy and I went to dinner at the dining hall, and then I took a nap. While I
was sleeping Faikham, Kugler, Katy M., Mikaela, and Andy went down to skate on
Fountain Square. When I woke up, Stupid Farmer and I loaded into my car and
went down there. We got coffee at Graeter’s and stood watching them from the
sidelines. Mykaela took off her skates and hung out with us. When Faikham saw
me, she got really excited, gave me a big hug, and said, “I’m so glad you
came!” All of us went to Skyline Chili on Warsaw, and then I went over to
Jobst’s apartment and we grilled steaks out on the street while drinking beer.
Sunday. Both
Ashlie H. and Courtney bought their wedding dresses yesterday. I woke, did
laundry, and got a lot of homework done. Jessie called me, told me she spent
all yesterday evening with Justin. I’m selfish, and I don’t want her hanging
out with him because I fear he’ll replace me. Stupid Farmer, Gambill and I hung
out for a while, and then I worked 5:45-9:00. Jessie took over for me. Jessie says she always gets questions like,
“Do you and Beast have a ‘thing’?” and she’s always like “No, no, NO!” Katie
told me that the Wright Brothers (not Orville and Wilbur) said, “Anthony’s
sister is so hot, and he’s so ugly; it’s weird.” That pissed me off. Ams
returned to campus, and we went to the Hilltop and hung out with Gambill and
Faikham. Justin and the Wright Brothers showed up, and I felt myself getting
angry, so I headed back to my room and went to bed.