Tuesday, January 06, 2009

losing touching searching

I have been revisiting and editing a book I wrote back in 2007 entitled “losing touching searching.” I was going to make it public, but I decided not to because of its intensely personal nature. Reading through it, however, I can’t help but realize that the book can relate to so many people. It’s a fictional autobiography—fictional, because it incorporates lots of fictional conversations and scenes; but autobiographical, because it is the story of great suffering I went through during my second year at college—and it is a beautiful, majestic work. I am still amazed at some of the things I wrote down, how relevant they are to me still to this day. So I have decided to edit, revise, add some stuff, delete some stuff, and do my best to make it available to the public. The book right now is 273 pages long, but it will probably be longer when I’m done (revising, with me, usually entails much more addition than subtraction). Because of this, my work on “Dwellers of the Night” has been put to the side. This is a good thing; I like to set current projects aside and return to them later, because it helps me be more creative.

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