Monday, August 29, 2011

the ninth week

This past week I started doing full-time barista rather than part-time barista and part-time food prep. How do I like it so far? I love it. I’m so excited to be part of an up-and-coming coffee shop that’s badass and good at what we do. We roast our own coffee, partner in direct and fair trade, and we actually make café drinks right. I didn’t realize until starting at Tazza Mia just how many drinks were made differently at Starbucks; there were so many short-cuts employed (to help with speed) that much of the drink loses its quality. And this week we also stopped doing our drip coffee after 2:00, and have been doing pour-overs and vacuum pots to make one-cup coffees for our customers. Some of them have been upset about the change-up, but nearly every single one, after trying a pour-over or siphon, has been coming back day after day. “It’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.” Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that.

Monday. On Monday mornings before work I always try and make it out to The Anchor. A perfect start to the week. This past Monday I worked 9:30-6:00 with some Anchor time right before (lots of great writing done). We had a chaotic lunch and a busy afternoon, and we closed at 5:30 but didn’t get out till 6:30. We smoked out by the fountain after we closed, and a cute girl in a white blouse “totes checked me out.” Spent the evening hanging out around the house and listening to music. Funny how songs can “take you back”: Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” and any Florence & The Machine take me back to winter and spring of this year: trips to Cincinnati multiple times a week, burning CDs for Jessica, liking Jessica, that whole situation going to hell. Good times.

Tuesday. I met up with Mandy K. at a Starbucks on Beechmont, just a handful of miles east of the city. We sat and talked for about 2 ½ hours. It was really good seeing her. The past coming to bear on the present. She told me all about Nick, why she broke up with him, the checkered layout of their many-month relationship. I don’t understand how a guy could be with Mandy and not treat her right. Absolutely boggles my mind. Amos and I had an easy close, and I went to The Anchor afterwards for coffee and journaling. When I got home, Mandy and I went across the Roebling bridge and parked outside the four-star Covington hotel and walked down to the river and sat by the monolithic base of the bridge and watched the fishing boats crawling up and down the river. When we got back, we hung out with Brandy, Amos, and Ams.

Wednesday. Had breakfast at The Anchor, worked out back at home, and Mandy, Amos and I went downtown. Amos and I worked and Mandy ran errands in Rob’s car. Dewenter came over for a while after class. Toured the house, met the crew. We played Mario-Kart just like old times, and we sat on the porch late into the night reflecting on how life is always in a state of change, and hardly ever can we know where it’s leading us. Hell, in our 412 days—even in my early C.C.U. days—I never would’ve imagined I’d be here, living with a community of friends, working with friends, being part of a badass coffee company, and pursuing my dreams in relative ease. There’s much to be thankful for. We talked about our dating lives (or lack thereof) and agreed that we’re done just fucking around (metaphorically-speaking) and that we’re waiting for the right person to come along. A person we can connect with, love and be loved by, and share our lives with. All failed relationships that didn’t harbor such things are nothing more than echoes and signposts pointing to a potential future that can be greater than anything I can imagine.

Thursday. Smoked a cigarette on the porch with Gambill, who arrived at the house just as I got out of bed. I made us a pour-over of FTO Mexico (weak and tasteless, probably old; but I also generally dislike Mexican beans). I did pilates, and then Amos and I went to work. There was a superhero convention or something, and we saw Iron Man walking outside our café. I attempted to flirt with a cute customer; it didn’t work out too well, but it’s a great story (perhaps for another time). Amos and I stayed late to give Rob a life home, and we spent the evening hanging out. Mandy got hammered on three shots of liquor and was running around like a pinball and then after she puked on the front porch—after telling us, “There’s no way I’m going to puke.”—things quieted down and she passed out. I love it when Mandy’s been drinking, seriously one of my most favorite things ever. And to complete the night, Nick made Reese’s Cups chocolate brownies.

Friday. I woke up to a quiet house. People nursing their hangovers. So glad drinking isn’t one of my vices. Smoked a morning cigarette—much thanks to Nick—and worked out. I ran by the bank and went to The Anchor for coffee and cottage cheese while doing some writing. I headed across the bridge and then went downtown and pulled my last shift of the week. Rob and I did training after work, and we had an enjoyable evening at home. The hookah was unfurled, and most everyone was in bed by midnight.

Saturday. I went to Dayton this afternoon to see Tyler. We sat on the front porch and smoked cigarettes like we used to do back in the day, and we had Subway for lunch and watched Netflix. He left and I took a nap, and Mom made cabbage soup for dinner. I headed back down to Cincinnati and spent the evening hanging out with the ragamuffins and misfits coming in through the front door. Much of the night was spent out at Gambill’s car, smoking cigarettes and talking with him and Ams. Rob joined us, too. Jessie came into town, and I visited her down in the basement. We talked about how marriage is going, and we reminisced on the Old Days. So much of that happening this week.

Sunday. Upon awakening, I made coffee for me and Isaac. John and his ex came by, and they took some coffee, too. Rob made more coffee, and I went to The Anchor and did some writing (with, you got it, coffee). When I got home, Amanda and I went to Kroger—Brother-Sister Time!—and then I reorganized my room and cleaned the front porch. Ams has gotten into this zombie-shooting game, it’s pretty top-notch, and we did that for a while. Did some writing throughout the afternoon, and come evening I hung out with Gambill, Mandy, Rob, and Ams on the front porch. Felt restless with much on my mind, so I went for a drive through Eden Park. When I got back Amos had made a fire and was putting a cup filled with lighter fluid into it, and when it ignited, the choking black smoke and towering flames threatened to engulf the Big Tree—oak? cedar? walnut? hell if I know. He, Ams, Gambill and I went to Skyline on Warsaw for dinner. Greek wrap with fries. Felt pretty tired, so I went to bed before everyone else.

An exciting week? Not so much.
But I got a lot of writing done, and that’s what excites me the most.
I’m such a weird little koala.

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