Wednesday, September 07, 2005

College has been going well. Right now I am relaxing at the computer (obviously), talking to some friends and pondering how I will spend the next few hours of my night. Today our R.A. Trevor spoke at Family, an optional chapel-event, and he spoke on human suffering, the grieving process, and how we throw our questions to God in despair. His words were underscored by the viciousness of Katrina and the millions of lives harmed, whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. It is in this time of grieving that we must look not to ourselves but raise our eyes to the Heavens, cry out for God, and throw all our trust on Him. He spun the universe; He can simply take care of us. And we must continually be aware that the way He views life and its beauty is much different than the way we view it. Perhaps in the midst of Katrina we see only destruction and despair, but He sees hope and beauty? Keep all the victims of Katrina in your prayers and may the peace of Christ go with you.

1 comment:

darker than silence said...

I'm going to see if I can delete these somehow...

where we're headed

Over the last several years, we've undergone a shift in how we operate as a family. We're coming to what we hope is a better underst...