Sarah and I posing at the Halloween Party |
Monday. I
worked till 1:00 with Nate & Rob. The credit card machine broke down, so we
did everything the old fashioned way. I ran into Dyke outside the café, and he
grabbed my arm, pulled me into a hug, said, “You’re my buddy.” Sarah and I went
for a walk at Eden Park, sat at the Overlook and talked. We saw a squirrel with
broken legs. Sarah almost cried. She got staples stuck in her shoe, and they
carved bloody holes into the bottom of her feet. “Stigmata!” We went to Kroger,
saw Rob & Mandy there. Sarah ran up and grabbed her butt; Mandy swung
around, ready to throw down. She said, “You guys look adorable! And I can see
in your faces that you’re losing weight.” We stopped by the Fuel Center and
visited Jobst before enjoying rice for dinner back home. I went to the Hilltop
to hang out with Jessie and Mandy. I told Mandy, “I must face reality: as much
as I may want to be Sarah’s boyfriend, as much as I want to give her all she
wants and deserves, she will not have it.
And those are the cold-hearted facts, the grim face of truth. I’ll either have
to crucify all desire for her or be tormented day-in and day-out until we move
out come May. I’m a FOOL for even entertaining the idea that Sarah could love
me. No, she could; but she won’t.”
Tuesday. Sarah
called me from work around 11:00, in tears, having an awful day. Sarah came
home, feeling a bit better, and we fixed tilapia fillets on the grill. I ran to
the Pit Stop for smokes, and then Sarah and I did three workout videos. It was
awful but felt great at the same time. She took a shower and sat on the sofa in
nothing but a towel and then went downstairs to do her pedicure. She returned
upstairs after a while and talked. I told her that I’m a confident person, when
I’m not sad, but when I’m depressed, I feel worthless and inadequate and ugly.
I don’t want to be this way, and it sucks because there’s literally nothing I
can do about it. I can’t explain what it’s like, to have to fight off tears for
no reason, to want to injure yourself, to dream about dying, and that dream
being your only hope and goal. But it’s NOT who I really am. Before all this I
was popular and people loved being around me, and I was passionate and people
marveled at me. And this is what I’ve become: a shell of the person I once was.
The depression, it takes so much out of me. I find myself sliding deeper and
deeper into hopelessness, ‘cause I’ll have to deal with this the rest of my
life. And what if a day comes when it’s too difficult to bear, and I take my
own life?
Wednesday. Someone
broke into Amanda’s car last night, stole her IPOD and stereo. She was
hysterical, sobbing and pissed. Dad just laughed about it. She went to Dayton
to get it fixed. I worked 9:30-1:00 and then went up to Dayton to get community
service forms filled out for school. Back home, Sarah and I went to Ault Park,
walked around, took pictures, filmed a koalabeast video. We went to Walgreens
and she got makeup and such for Halloween. We perused the lubes. We died her
hair jet-black. Very sexy. I tried on a condom for the first time. “Do I have
to get hard?” Yeah, you do. It was hard with her standing at the closed door,
but I got it. She tried to look but I didn’t let her. We spent the night in her
room scratching each others’ backs. She hiked her shirt off this time, kept her
bra on. She has beautiful skin. God, I sound like a serial killer. We wrote on
each other’s backs, a guessing game. I wrote Shaft me! On hers. Hilarious (her dildo’s named Shaft).
Thursday. At Ault
Park yesterday, Sarah said, “This would be a great place for a wedding!” I
imagined us getting married there, wanted it so badly. If I were a tall,
chiseled, dark-skinned man, we’d be together. But, no, this awkward, plump body
of mine is my curse. And dreaming every night about cuddling naked with her
certainly doesn’t help. Both Ams and Sarah were gone all day, and when Sarah
was returning home, I set up Shaft on the coffee table, surrounded it with
candles, turned it on and played porn music. When she walked into the door, she
nearly fell apart.
Friday. I went
to the Hilltop to do some homework, and Rob made me a latte. Jessie and I went
to The Anchor, talking about life and all its trimmings. I had tuna and cole
slaw. I dropped her off, went to Walgreens for face paint to wear tomorrow. It’s
so windy that the windows are rattling. Dylan came over around five, and we ran
some errands and I got some new weights for exercising. When Sarah got home,
she, Dylan and I filmed a seven minute koalabeast video which I looped to zombie
music. She went to Catherine’s as Amanda returned from work. Dylan and I went
over to Nate’s, saw Blake and Amos. Back at the house, we started watching a
scary movie, but we didn’t get into it, and we went into my room and lied down
and talked for an hour. I lamented to Ams that Sarah has no interest in me. “She
just isn’t drawn to you, Anth. I’m sorry.”
Saturday. Dylan
and I did Frisch’s buffet for breakfast, and then he headed home. I went to Tri-Health,
finished my resume, applied for seminary, and applied for several jobs. It
sucks that a good majority of churches want a MARRIED minister. It’s what I
want more than anything, and I hurt without it, and guess what? It seems no one
wants a single guy doing ministry, so until I get married, my degree’s a waste.
I should’ve thought more critically about college; too bad I just assumed that
things would work out. I should know better by now. Later in the evening Sarah
and I got ready for the Halloween party. She went as a cat lady and I went as a
zombie. We headed over to Hartman’s apartment around 10:00 and had a wonderful
time with so many great people. We played Ninja, a drinking game (King’s), took
lots of pictures. Sarah took shots, climbed onto the fridge, puked everywhere.
She wasn’t drunk, the shot just went down bad. She broke out her Djarum cloves
(which are now illegal to buy, thanks to the FDA). When we got home, I showered
and washed off my makeup. We sat down on the sofa and she was really horny. She
started flirting with me. I flirted back. She kept looking at my eyes and lips,
said, “I really want a hard one,” she said. My heart started racing. I felt
lightheaded. We continued flirting. I was excited, wanting to hold her so badly,
to kiss her so passionately, to give her what she wanted. She was drunk, I knew
she’d take it. But I didn’t make a move. My damn morality. I went to bed and so
did she.
Sunday. I had
chicken and rice for lunch. Sarah had a massive hangover. I did a 40-minute
workout. Sarah spent the day curled up in bed. She asked me to come down, so I
did, and we watched Gilmore Girls and I passed out on her sofa. I worked
5:45-9:00. Bullard asked, “Have you lost weight?” Sure have! Sarah went to bed
early, she’s working full time at Millennium now, an 8-5:00 gig. I have two
phone interviews with churches, one in Fairborn and another in Kentucky. I’d
have to move out. Start a new life. Leave my friends and be alone. Have no one
amidst the depression. But I’m now in a rut, going nowhere; borderline in love
with a girl who won’t be with me; and I basically have no future here save for
comfort amidst sorrow and a fantasized relationship with a girl who sees me as
the bestest friend she’s ever had and nothing more. What’s the point in staying
in Cincinnati with these empty dreams and depression? But would going somewhere
else absent close friends be any better for the depression? Either way, I’m
fucked. The solution is simple, but despite my prayers for mercy, it goes