Thursday, October 22, 2009

and sarah ran over a cat

It’s been a crazy week, and I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend. I’ve been swamped with school-work, and the last bit—an essay on the Greek text of 1 Corinthians 7—will be done tomorrow by 5:00. Tomorrow evening my friend Dylan is hopefully coming over, and we may go see Gerard Butler’s new movie, “Law Abiding Citizen.” On Saturday I am going down to the Kentucky and visiting my aunt, uncle, and grandma. They always have good food and good movies, and it will be good to get out of Cincinnati for a spell.
On Tuesday, Sarah and I went up to her aunt and uncle’s place in Wilmington once again. We were going to drive her cousin’s car home from the airport, but turns out we didn’t need to, and thus we made the hour and fifteen minute drive for nothing. However, we did get a free dinner and got to hang out with Sarah’s family. She has several cousins, three boys and two girls. I forget their names. As we were leaving, Sarah ran over a cat, which was sad. It was lying in the road twitching and it’s skull was crushed by the wheel. Ugh. People have had various reactions regarding the story, from compassion and sympathy to excitement and glee (apparently, a lot of people don’t like cats).

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