Saturday, July 16, 2011

wedding day

Tony and Jessie got married today. The wedding was at 6:30 and was quite short. I read from Colossians during the ceremony, the exact same passage I read at Jesse and Mandy's wedding a year ago. It's joyful yet strange to see people getting married. Both my cousins were married last year, along with Nate and a handful of others; and this year, Kyle and Jessie both got married to their respective spouses. These are just the weddings I've gone to; there are countless more taking place with acquaintances and old friends with whom I've fallen out of touch. Years ago weddings depressed me, only because I was a self-centered emo kid with a pie-in-the-sky view of marriage, but now there's great joy--or, depending on the bride and groom, apathy--when it comes to weddings. It's not about "Oh, I wish this were me!" and getting all mentally flaggelated because you're still single; really, I can't believe my old mindset, nowadays marriage is one of the furthest things from my mind (without being removed completely). Now there's great joy at seeing two people connect on a deep level and then decide to spend their lives together. The decision to spend the rest of your life yoked to, in commitment and faithfulness and perseverance, another person, is a beautiful (albeit terrifying) decision. When it works, it's the most beautiful thing in the world; and when it doesn't--almost always due to the failure of one or both parties to actually live out their wedding vows--it's about as scary as going into an ocean with a slit artery because sharks get wet over that shit like an emo girl reading a poem, and who wants that?

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