Friday, June 28, 2013

[rhinegeist brewery]

Bob’s latest pet project has finally opened its doors, another micro-brewery here in Cincinnati, wedged in west side of Over the Rhine. Featuring four western-style beers, on the hoppier end but not without some milder beers for people like me who don’t like a world full of hops (unless, of course, we’re talking about rabbits), Rhinegeist Brewery and Tap Room is another staple to the ritzed-up Over the Rhine. I don’t find myself in Over the Rhine that often; it’s simply not my crowd. The place floods with preppy kids and college students, hipsters and party boys. None of that is appealing to me. It always makes me laugh when I see college girls taking Instagram pictures downtown, basically their attempt to say, “Look how cool I am, I just went to Bakersfield and then got drinks at 1215!” Their ignorance of the area is obvious with their scant dress and how they swirl their purses at the side. Just a street over, there’s murders, drug deals, and gangs; but hipsters tend to live in their own private world, and such things don’t cross their minds. I enjoyed visiting Rhinegeist for the soft opening, drinking beers with Amos and the Tomeos and Cat and her boyfriend. I ran into lots of people who come through the coffee shop, and that was sort of awkward: it’s weird running into customers outside the workplace, when they’re “people” rather than customers you’ve got to bend the knee to.

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