My dad, Tyler and I went to New Life worship gathering tonight, and even though we ducked in half an hour late (my bad), we made in time to hear a powerful message. Tom delivered it straight-up, with passion and devotion, and a lot of the things he spoke about really dug deep into me, the Holy Spirit working. One thing that just won't leave my mind is, "What if?" What if a handful of believers really started following Jesus in more than just mouth; what if a handful of believers really loved God and loved others; what if a handful of believers were overtaken by the Spirit; what if a handful of believers reached out?
Tom is such an amazing guy. He speaks with power, with zeal, and energy that isn't faked, energy that courses from the very blood in his veins. The guy doesn't speak so much with eloquence, but with might. His words are simple and clear, sharp like a double-edged sword. His words aren't puffed up with hot air, but enflamed with fire. Eventually I plan to be a youth minister, or even a 'senior pastor,' and I want to speak like Tom. It isn't just that he's a good speaker, but he means what he says and lives what he says. I haven't really talked to him a lot, but I've read his blog and I've talked about him with others, and the guy is a revolutionary.
Mike Box took over leading worship for Doug tonight, and while I only was there for a song here and there, the energy was there. Mike is such an amazing guy. He worships with an intensity, with a raw and uncensored passion for God. He forgets that he's actually worshipping and just falls before the throne. The guy is an inspiration more than he knows, and he has helped me through my times of trouble and delight; he has been there with encouragement, advice, and is one of the few who really lives the life of Jesus. Yet another revolutionary.
I've only seen Doug Hill two or three times in the last two years, but nevertheless the guy has been one of the greatest encouragements in my spiritual walk. I believe God lined it up so that Doug would be there for me. Of all those who have helped shape my spiritual life, Doug is the one who has made the most difference. He isn't afraid of confrontation. He is quick and to the point. He always has the right advice and the wisdom of Solomon (bad pun, forgive me.) And the guy is real. He is a living example of being consumed by worship, not consumers of worship. His job description at New Life may be worship leader, but it isn't a job for him. It's a life.
Jeff Sutton has also revamped my spiritual life. He took a fledgling Southwest Church student ministry and turned it into something big. He developed 412 Student Ministries, an outlet, a breath of fresh air, for a world thirsting for something to quell parched lips. He is so attuned to worshipping God that he literally forgets that he is worshipping, and his form is taken over by God while he worships. He is a great speaker and his life story in itself speaks volumes on God and Jesus. Yet the greatest contribution Jeff has made to me personally is not choking down my desires and my dreams. Most youth ministers would cringe at the idea of a student leading a small group, of a student speaking in front of 50 people (what if he says something wrong???). But Jeff ignores all the 'rules' of the world and opens up ways for me to get ready for my future. He lets me live out my dream on a day-to-day basis. Because of him, my skill and talent of many things in the realm of leading others have been multiplied, intensified. He is truly a great guy with a heart of love and a heart for God, as cheesy as that sounds.
A lot of people say Pat Dewenter is strange. He is. I love him. He is my best friend, and though he won't admit it, he's closer to God than so many other people. The dude's heart is exploding with love for God. He doesn't bare his arms but lets it flow. He's serious when it's time to be serious and hilarious - absolutely HILARIOUS - when the time calls for it. He has helped me so much, and in our many talks regarding faith and God and sin and all the what-not, he has opened my eyes to many ideas, most of which have found their places in my journal and on my blog. Here is one of the few people I feel comfortable with talking about my struggles and temptations and burdens and worries in this life.
Tyler and I had been friends in sixth grade, but for two years we were separated, and we came together, united in faith and united in vision, in purpose. Tyler, too, wants to be a youth minister, and while he sometimes says - or gives off the vibe - that he won't be any good, I know he will be, for one reason - God is with him. His heart is pure and simple, unfettered and free, tied down to nothing but living for God 24/7. He is always full of ideas. In our almost daily talks on this and that and everything spiritual, we encourage each other and exchange views and wanderings of the mind.
I don't really know Rochelle that well, though I know Kristen OK. From what I've read from Rochelle's comments on my blog and other peoples' blogs, her heart is in the right place and she is making a HUGE difference. Everyone at Southwest saw God intervening in her life about a year ago with a miraculous cure to cancer. It is no doubt that God is with her, and that she is a child of God. She has her own blog now, and it is just something other-worldly. Her faith is so strong, it is an inspiration and helps build me up in my own daily weaknesses. Her daughter Kristen, too, is a spiritual revolutionary - she leads a Friday morning Bible Study (which, I must admit, I've missed a couple times over the last two weeks), and she is real and hardcore in her worship. There need to be more Rochelles and Kristens around.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
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dude thanks for the kind words. if anything other than a fiasco took place last night, it was all the work of the Spirit. my talents are less in the area of leading worship, and more in the area of following the Spirit. Praise God that He can use a messy, incomplete, sloppy sinner like myself and allow something beautiful to happen. "Not to us, but to His name, be the glory..."
wow dude... what can i say? thank you.
you have been an encouragement to me and has sharpened me as well. anthony you will be a great influence in the Kingdom...if youre not already. i look forward to serving with you more.
Thank you for your kind words Your spiritual growth in this last year has been amazing and God has BIG plans for you Keep your heart open to God's words and guidance Thanks for being such a great friend and role model for Kristen and Zach
Thanks Anth. Those are some very encouraging words. God has been working alot in my life lately as He has been in yours. God has some awesome plans for you. Thanks for always being there to give me spiritual advice and just being there so I could have someone to talk to about these things. Even if God does lead us to different paths well always be freinds man.
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