Prayer Remix 2
If you've ever seen Louie Giglio's 'prayer remix' message, then it probably hit you as hard as it hit me. Everyone I've talked to who's heard it says it is very powerful. I actually did a house church message on it! But I realize there was one thing he didn't talk about in that message (however, I did not see his other prayer remix messages, it just wasn't in this one). I believe God has been laying it on my heart to pray for other people, and for the past few days, I have been. Sometimes we get so wrapped up with me-me-me in our prayers that we don't look upward (towards God) and outward (towards others). What I've discovered is that when i focus my prayers on God and not on myself, something amazing happens. When I focus my prayers on God, God uses me in tons of different ways. And when i focus my prayers on others, the prayers get answered. I encourage everyone to pray for others. It sounds Sunday-Schoolish, I know, but it is so important. Perhaps, when we have the chance to talk about anything, say anything, or ask for anything from the Creator who can DO anything, and we focus not on ourselves but on the Creator first and others second, maybe He sees our selflessness and says, "Granted." I don't know. But here are two ways my prayers 'for others' have been answered specifically (others probably have, I just haven't heard about them).
1) The first actually happened Saturday night. A bunch of my friends were going to a concert, so I just prayed that they would have a good time and it would be a night they would never forget. Well, Sunday morning they were bouncing off the walls. I find out that they met Russ from ZAO and the guitarist from another band they were excited to be seeing. They were also first in line and in the very front. It was an amazing concert.
2) my friend Tyler has been struggling a lot with 'message' ideas for a Bible Study he co-leads on Monday afternoons. He has expressed to me over and over how hard it is for him, and while he's been praying for help, it was slow in coming. So I just 'lifted him up' in prayer, and then while he was in Business class, out of the blue rushed TONS and TONS of ideas, barraging him from all directions, and he was literally screaming in excitement during lunch.
Those are just two ways I have heard of. Who knows what else God is doing? I just think we should all pray for others more than for ourselves. What would change if everyone in a local church turned their prayers away from themselves and just prayed intensely for each other? Looking at the first days of the early church, I have an answer: MIRACLES.
Monday, November 01, 2004
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i have the audio from all three remix messages. i can burn them for you. they are really good. the series he's doing now is "life interrupted" really good too.
dude i'd love that... by the way i'm almost done with The Relevant Church - it's beautiful stuff
this really doesnt have to do with your blog post that much, but i just wondering, well you said that praying for others can benefit them way better than them praying for themselves, well what if you pray for someone, but the total opposite happens, and they do something really bad that they know is wrong but do it anyway,and you were praying for them not to do it. how come God would let that happen if you were praying for them?
What I meant was, the prayer of many people for one person is more powerful than the prayer of one person for himself, which is a biblical truth. But while we may pray very, very hard, God will not take choice away from those we are praying for, if in this case you mean someone making a mistake on their own or hurting themselves. Or if you mean when we pray for someone's safety and they end up getting hurt in a car crash, we need to remember that God's plans are always above our own, and that not EVERYTHING that happens is God's will - He just allows it.
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