Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thursday gathering went extremely well. Pat Dewenter led us in a few songs of intimate worship before the Creator, and we spent time discussing - really discussing - dozens of aspects of worship, not to mention the role Satan and his demons - the Evil Ones - can play in trying to pull us away from worship. We discussed being consumers of worship when we are to be consumed by worship. We discussed the role of daily worship, and how worship is not just music, but also looking at the stars, at times eating in fellowship, and adorant praying. We talked about how going in for the 'feelings' of worship is a kind of idolatry, focusing on feelings and not God. We prayed several times and God moved in those who had decided to come. I thank God that he has answered my countless prayers regarding this gathering, in making it so much more wonderful than I imagined possible. Whoever it was that said it is right: "Taste the Lord, and see that he is good..."

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Prayer works and relying on friends during those tough times I'll continue to pray for you I'm glad you found the "connection" to your group again :)

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