Saturday, November 27, 2004

Dylan and I went and saw the movie Alexander at Showcase Cinema Dayton South. I thought it was good, though it was drawn out; the battle scenes were epic, though, along the fantastic lines of Braveheart and Gladiator. We hung out for a while at home, then he left and Pat Dewenter came over.

Pat and I ran our course to the awesome and delicious China Cottage, where we partook in creamy egg drop soup, crunchy spring rolls and steaming broccoli and General Tau's chicken. Laughter all the way - great times! Pat says he is seriously considering CBC, and if he went we would room together. With John Thomason rooming with me my first college years, this means I'd have a well-known college roommate all through college!

I see characters like William Wallace, Maximus Decimus Meridious, Alexander, and I want to be like them. I think every man wants to be like them. We all starve for glory, for righteous power, for authority. We all long to be looked at through history and seen as noble, heroically fierce, glorious. This is in the gene of men, a desire and longing implanted by the Creator - for once we were noble, once we were heroically fierce, and once we were glorious (as Chesterton said, "We are statues of God walking about the Garden."). One day, too, these longings and desires will be fulfilled, and we will be noble, fierce, and glorious once again!

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