All Christians need to vote Bush or they've got their views all messed up. All Christians need to vote Republican - God's a Republican. If Christians vote for Kerry, they're going against God's will and need a brain check. If Kerry wins, the End is coming soon.
I don't really believe any of that, but these are some of the statements that have been popping up on televangelist news, websites all over the Internet, and in the school cafeteria. If I were voting, I admit that I don't really know WHO I would vote for. Bush stands for a lot of things I stand for, but so does Kerry. I guess I would vote Kerry because he can actually make a big impact on the things I stand for - helping out with the poor, etc. I know Christians who are die-hard Bush and Christians who are die-hard Kerry, but I have disagreements with none of them!
I saw a sticker that said GOD IS NOT A DEMOCRAT... OR A REPUBLICAN. I jokingly told my friends that Jesus would be an independent, but I really don't think Jesus would run for President. Politics are hardly even mentioned in the New Testament, except for when Jesus says, "Render to Caesar's what is Caesar's," and, "obey the laws of the land." The Scriptures also tell us that whoever wins will either a) be placed in power by God's choosing, or 2) allowed to be in power by God's permission. Either way, nothing that happens tonight and none of the results of tomorrow are going to throw God's plans out-of-whack. It's all in His Plan!
And to say Kerry is evil incarnate is just plain dumb. Kerry is a good man. I really do believe that. I think he is capable of running the country. You may consider me a hypocrite for throwing some Kerry jokes on here a week or two back, but even then I pointed out I had no problems with Johnny. To say Kerry is the antichrist is a little too extreme - that sure is going to attract non-Christian Kerry-voters to Jesus!
So really, I don't care who wins tomorrow. Either way, no skin off my back. I pity my friends who are going to have a meltdown in Kerry wins :-). Check out Doug Hill's blog for an amazing insight into some of the stuff I've said here.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
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Having our views on political matters I dont think will have any bearing on "bringing non-christian voters to Jesus". We have our different views. I just think Bush is a better choice all around. Kerry is the biggest flip-flopper and doesnt even know what HE stands for and to me thats kind of scary when your going to be the leader of the free world.
there's no problem with wanting Bush or Kerry; we just have to be careful not to shove the candidate of our choice down other peoples' throats, and we have to be careful to weigh both the pros and cons of the candidates. Most of the time we harp on the good qualities of our candidate of choice and derail the other candidate by focusing on the bad; but we need to remember that BOTH have GOOD and BAD qualities for running the nation, not that we could do any better.
Hummmm.....The flip-flop argument is an interesting one actually. People are fed the line that Kerry is a "flip-flopper"...well, I would challenge them to consider this...
- Is it better to change your mind, rather than stick with a choice, no matter if that choice is determined to be bad, wrong, or immoral?
- Is it better to change your opinion regarding an issue than not admit fault?
Finally, if anyone truly believes that Bush has never flip-flopped in his life, then they are very naive and mistaken....lets check out his spiritual affiliation: Episciple, Luthern, Methodist... wow... these are the three religious denominations that President Bush has been a member of during his life as a believer. Flip-flop?
In my humble opinon, it's okay for people to have a change of heart if it is for the good. That's what our entire life as Christians are composed of. Flip-flopping our mindset, our heart, our wills, our choices to a better way. As long as the goal is good and to bring God glory, then I say flip-flop all the way to the Kingdom.
Like I said, just one man's opinon. Its not one you have to adopt. I encourage you to seek out truth for yourself, weighing it with discernment without prejudice and not be fed a line and led to the slaughter like dumb sheep. I sense that you are a truth seeker. Believe half of what you read, half of what you hear, and weigh everything in the light of truth.
Peace be with you Tyler. i hope to meet you someday. it would be my honor.
A Christian may have his/her choice for a particular candidate based on his/her understanding of the issues, the values he/she stands for, and who he/she believes the best person for the job is, after careful thought and prayer. Above all this though, a Christian's first duty is to show the love of Christ, not to argue politics. We should not cause anyone to stumble, whether brethren or unbeliever. Too many people have been alienated and hate 'Evangelicals' and 'Fundamentalists' because Christians have parroted rhetoric that's unloving, untruthful and hurtful.
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