Sunday, May 31, 2009

the lehman house [4]

Memorial Day. The afternoon was spent in New Carlisle with Dad's side of the family: tacos, ice cream, pie; volleyball, playing with the dogs and searching for snakes. Ams and I got back to the house, and I went to Isaac's apartment for a party with beer and hookah. Lots of good people: Isaac, Amos, a guy named Blake who seems really cool, Andy Waugh, Jobst. I gave Jobst a ride home and saw Julie B. and Jessica C. walking around on campus. Ams and I hung out for a bit, and then Sarah got home with her cousin Rachel at her side, and all of us went back to Isaac's apartment. I had two shots of whiskey and a beer. Amos and I talked for a while. That Blake guy's kinda weird, but I like him. Ams took my car home around 1 AM, and Sarah, Rachel and I walked home drunk and content. 

Tuesday. I woke at 9:30 with no hangover, no headache, nothing. Dylan came down from Centerville: he graduated from Lee University with his bachelor's and is living at home for the moment. We went to Skyline Chili, Barnes & Noble, and saw a movie at the AMC in Newport: "Night at the Museum 2." We grabbed dinner at Johnny Rockets. We ran by the Party Source and got several whiskeys and beer. We got drunk at the house with Sarah, and both Monica and Jessie came by.

Wednesday. Dylan & I went to The Anchor for lunch, then travelled to Florence and visited kennelled dogs at Jack's Aquarium & Pets. Back home we watched Step-Brother before he returned home. Monica came by and we hugged because I won't be seeing her for a long time. I spent the day running errands and cleaning and watched Quarantine come evening. Its premise was similar to Dwellers of the Night, though the disease was patterned after rabies rather than malaria. Ams' friend Will came over and we took some shots together. Ams thinks I hate him. I don't, but I know he'd be a HORRIBLE boyfriend for her. She knows this, too. Sarah got back from Keith's around 10:00, complaining about him. I had to reign my tongue: no sympathy for people who complain about their circumstances while doing absolutely nothing to resolve the circumstance when it's in their control.

Thursday. I began my summer job this morning: running the kitchen for Creative Dining Services at Camp Whip-Poor-Will. A Girl Scout camp. Aunt Julie went there when she was a little girl. We were scheduled till 5:00 but done by 2:00. Back home I hung out with Sarah for a while: we curled up in her bed and faced the mirror and talked for two hours. She went up to Wilmington and I fixed chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner. I went to the Hilltop to use the internet, chatted it up with Brette C. and Amanda R. A huge storm rolled through, sirens going off everywhere.

Friday. The second day of work, and we were up north until 3:00. We got lunch at a piazza place. I met the girl counselors. One is really cute, and most are lesbians. Ariel, the camp director, is going to Massachusetts this year to get married. Back home I naped till 6:00. Bethany was supposed to come over, but that fell through. Jessie worked all night and Sarah was in Wilmington, so I putzed around until Ams came home. We watched a movie with Christina Richie in it. She looks EXACTLY like Courtney. It was hard to watch so I left. There are days when I miss her. Her voice. Her laughter. Her large eyes. The way she would hold me and whisper in my ear. 

Saturday. At 9:30 I made the hour-long-drive to Camp up Interstate 71, but the kitchen was being used so I only worked for twenty minutes. I went to Dayton, and Mom & I went to Target and Sam's Club and grabbed lunch at Subway. At 3:30 I went to Tri-Health and met Sarah's friend Catherine. Sarah and I went to her aunt's mansion in Wilmington. We fed the horses, looked after her dementia-ridden grandpa, and watched TV. I scratched her head, she scratched mine. A massive thunderstorm rolled through, spawning tornadoes. We stood on the front porch and smoked cigarettes and watched the lightning and heard the thunder and the dogs cowered by our legs. Oh: Lizzie B. and Andrew R. got married today!

Sunday. Sarah and I were up by 9:00 to head back to Cincinnati. We'd both fallen asleep in the same room, but my snoring pushed her downstairs. She went to Tri-Health and I headed back to the house. I napped till 3:00, then watched "Gilmore Girls" with Ams. I cleaned my room and lounged around. Jessie came over, and we went to Kroger to do some grocery shopping.

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