Monday, July 18, 2005

"As long as we live in this world it is impossible for us to be without trials and temptations... No one is perfect or so holy as to be without some temptation; nor can we ever be totally free of them. Though temptations, may be troublesome and a burden, nevertheless, they often prove very profitable, for through them we are humbled, purified, and disciplined.... There is no religious order so holy, no place so isolated, where trials and temptations are unknown... We are never entirely free of temptations--no matter how long we live--because we carry their very source within us. We have all been born with [sinful natures]... When one temptation or trial passes, another comes, and we shall always have something to suffer... Many attempt to flee temptations, but they only sink more deeply into them. Conflicts are not wpn by running away; rather, it is by humbly and patiently standing up to them that we gain strength against all our enemies... With patient endurance and with God's help, little by little, you will better conquer them, than by frantically reacting to them. When temptations do come, seek counsel frequently, and when someone else is tempted do not treat him harshly but, on the contrary, console and encourage him. Show him the same kindness you yourself would like to receive.

"We must be especially on our guard at the beginning of temptation, for then we can more easily overcome the enemy if we refuse him entrance into our mind and, keeping him outside on the doorstep, confront him at his first knock. Someone once said: 'Take a stand at the very beginning; it is much too late to apply medicines after the illness has grown worse because of long delays.' Temptation, at first, is but a simple thought in the mind; the imagination then embellishes it and it takes on the appearance of something quite desirable; then follows a powerful attraction and finally the will's consent. The depraved enemy gradually gains entrance if he is not resisted at the very beginning. The more sluggish our resistance, the more vulnerable we daily become, and the more powerful does our adversary grow.

"Therefore, we must not yield to despair during temptation, but pray the more earnestly to God, asking Him to support us in every trial, remembering the words of St. Paul: with the temptation God will also provide a way of escape, that you will be able to endure it. In all trials and temptations let us then meekly place ourselves before God who has promised to save and raise on high those who humble themselves in spirit. A man's spiritual progress is put to the test by trials and temptations, and by resolutely bearing up under them he not only gains greater merit but gives evidence of his virtue. There is nothing remarkable in a devout and fervent man being without trials, but if he suffers patiently in time of adversity, then, there is hope for great spiritual advancement."

These are the always-beautiful words of Thomas a Kempis. A great guy, lots of wisdom.


Anonymous said...

yeah, that was put into words really well

okay, so who cares. wether it's put into words or not we all know that feeling so familiarly. Having you and Chris and others as friends has been an amazing help in all of this. Our accountablility sort of discontinued this last month.. we should start all of that up again. And maybe do it a little differntly next time. well I'm out man.

-patrick d

Dylan said...


Those are great words of wisdom. For people who especially need it (me) it is like God sent that just to me. Its a great feeling, Your blog has inspired me to be above average.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Id like to see more of those words of wisdom:) maybe a book borrowing is in order whenever you can...Thanks for the post.

darker than silence said...

The book is only about ten bucks at Borders bro... Just telling you b/c I've barely begun reading it :-)

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