Friday, March 11, 2011

30 Days (XXI)

A Picture of Something You Want to Forget

There’s nothing I want to forget. Yes, at times, there were memories which plagued me with such intensity, that the only thing I desired was a life free of their clutch. Reliving those memories day in and day out brought such pain and overwhelming heartache that I felt stagnant, unmoving, listless. A feather stuck in a windless ocean. But unbeknownst to me, those traumatizing moments carved me into something different. More mature. More present to the moment. Thankful for all that happened. There are good memories and there are bad memories, but all are etched into the fabric of my life, and all have affected me and spurred my own personal evolution into the person I am now. If I forget the bad memories, then what am I left with? Only nostalgia of the good times. There will be no thankfulness for my current state-of-affairs. There’s nothing I want to forget. 

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