Thursday, September 25, 2014

alopecia my bags

wait, i thought you said he'd be hairless?!

I'm sitting on the front porch in Dayton with Skyler curled up next to me. Whenever I'm home, she's practically my shadow. When I walk through the front door, she whimpers and whines and then jumps all over me. "She doesn't do that to anyone else," my mom said. It makes me feel special. 

Tomorrow morning Dad & I depart for vacation.
Here's our itinerary:
   Tomorrow: the Fort Pitt Museum
   Saturday: Jumonville Glen, Fort Necessity, and Braddock's Museum
   Sunday: relaxing at the cabin and biking some trails

I'll come home to be back in the swing of things: Jason will be back from vacation, and my hours will be where they need to be. This is good, because next weekend (the 10th-12th of October) I'll be house sitting in Dayton and will thus lose another fifteen hours. I'll have to be awfully frugal. Thankfully Dad makes the Big Bucks and is financing this weekend's expedition.

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