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we do all right for what we got going on |
Tuesday. I went to The Anchor to rendezvous with Andy, but he slept through his alarm. I spent the afternoon hanging out in the Hobbit Hole before my 2-9 PM in Blue Ash. I had a rough day, and driving home from work, I couldn't keep the tears at bay. Dad called me this afternoon, asking how everything was going. I told him how discouraged I feel in every area of life, how I'm fighting those patterns of negative thinking that become so prevalent in the wake of bad experiences. I'm struggling to have hope, wrestling to see a way forward. They say the light at the end of the tunnel is often small, but that's putting it generously. As I drove home I sang worship songs aloud as tears crawled down my cheeks. It's a strange experiencing: tasting the joy and hope of Christ while simultaneously experiencing the grief over losing someone you loved very much.
Wednesday. I woke to a wonderful text from Ams: "I love you! You are brilliant, handsome, caring, compassionate, loving, hilarious, witty, gentle, calming and perfect just as you are. You make me feel less anxious and worried when I'm around you. I feel so blessed to have you in my life!" Basically my sister is awesome. Hot Sauce Waugh has moved back to Cincinnati (he's staying with John & Brandy), and we met up at The Anchor to drink coffee and catch up. Afterwards I biked to the River and back, and then I headed up to Fairfield to hang out with Ams and read before my 3-7:00 in Blue Ash. After work I spent some time at Winton Ridge hanging out with John, Brandy, and Andy; and then I headed up to Mason to watch some episodes of It's Always Sunny with Sarah.
Thursday. I worked 8:30-4:00 in Blue Ash. At the farm, the guys and I unloaded tons of pumpkins that had been delivered from Columbus. At 5:30 I had a meeting with a pastor from a church east of Cincinnati; we met at Chic-fil-a on Eastgate and talked for about two hours. It went really well, and he said he would be hearing back from me. I went to The Anchor on my way home to work on Sunday's sermon, and then I worked at midnight in Blue Ash. I showed up to the group home a little early, and Mikaela and I sat in the living room catching up for a while. It'll be good to see her once a week. She was a good friend.
Friday. I woke at 7 AM to ship Jason off to his program, and I went to The Anchor for coffee and scripture and spent the afternoon relaxing in the Hobbit Hole. Lisa wasn't feeling well, so I headed back to Blue Ash around 7 PM and worked an overnight with the guys.
Saturday. I left Blue Ash and headed straight to Delhi for a shift with Aaron: Applebee's, Bloc Coffee Shop, and Hobby Lobby were on the agenda. I spent the afternoon retooling my sermon for tomorrow and hung out with Ams for a bit in Fairfield before heading to Blue Ash for my 5-Midnight. John B. was kind enough to come in a little early so I could get some sleep before tomorrow.
Sunday. I preached at Mayhill Christian Church: the sermon was on forgiveness. It was shorter than I expected it to be, but that's okay: multiple people came up to me telling them how much it had convicted them and given them hope simultaneously. One of the elders gripped me by the shoulder and told me he wished those who weren't there had been; "That's a sermon everyone needs to hear." It was encouraging, and I hope to hear back from them.The other two highlights of the day include hanging out with Blake & Traci and playing lots of Call of Duty, and visiting Tyler and Julia for a little bit (they live ten minutes away from Old Man Hudson). Tyler, Julia and I are planning on visiting some antique shops in Waynesville two weekends from now so I can get some new oil lamps. The cold weather is settling in, so it's about time to break those out again.
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