Saturday, February 12, 2005

I.G.A. has been really slow lately; we always bog down around the end of January, to about Valentine's Day. I don't know why. Thursday night, from 9:30 to close (at 11:00) there were no customers; the store only brought in $18 and that, my friends, was from all the cashiers buying food and drinks and eating at the registers to make time pass. Yesterday wasn't really fast, either. I got off half an hour early because we were so dead.

After work I cleaned out my closet, throwing away such things as an Army box full of seashells, a jock-strap, a fishing trophy wrapped in Christmas tree lights, and a half-dozen models (my helicopter reminded me of Black Hawk Down, if that gives you an idea of how smashed it was). I didn't do it as some sporadic act of grace; by this time next week I should be moved down into the re:modeled downstairs. The room is huge, spacious, and has twin windows, and I'll have lots of privacy. I am excited. I keep hounding Dad to get it done.

In about an hour and a half I will be on the road to I.G.A., working 10-4. It is an easy shift. I like it a lot better than the horrible 8-4; two hours less, and I get to sleep in! Afterwords I will probably either dig up a friend and go out to coffee at Borders, go out to eat with my dad or mom (if I can convince one of them to take me!) or just spend the rest of the day 'chilling' at home. Tomorrow proves to be more exciting: church, Rev, and friends!

1 comment:

Doug Hill said...

always come down to the Journey! we're unveiling the new logo as well as some other exciting news!

where we're headed

Over the last several years, we've undergone a shift in how we operate as a family. We're coming to what we hope is a better underst...