Saturday, June 11, 2005

God speaks in the silence; well, not so much silence, as the engine was roaring in my ears and the wind blowing through the window. It was 10:10 at night and the stars and moon were hidden in a misty haze. Water-drops started sprinkling on my windshield; I turned down the volume on my Eisley music and just started praying. Praying about a lot of stuff: things going on in my life, the future, concerns, sin, intimacy with Him. I find it odd; I am such an advocate of discipleship and intimacy with God, yet something holds me back from pursuing any of that deeper. God revealed this to me, and as I dug, I discovered a strange wall set between me and pursuing deeper intimacy and discipleship. This wall, I believe, is set by the Evil One, and it is apathy disguised as busyness. God spoke to me, saying, "It's not too late."

I am going to go totally public with this one. We all make spiritual vows and resolutions, but we all know how hard they are to keep. It is as if a small army is set against us (wow, there is an army against us, except it's huge). My vow is simply to stop shirking discipleship and to stop not pursuing intimacy. Really, I shake my head and think about how dumb I've been, falling to the Evil One's trap. I covet your prayers; no doubt the Evil One will launch attacks against me. It is possible to get so busy with God that we forget to grow closer to God. This is a mistake I've made and one I am intent to correct.

Peace to all of you. The Creator is so beautiful.


andrewljohnson said...

The evil one? You even capitalized it.


The Darn News

Anonymous said...

I also call him the Enemy... I like to capitalize it so people get the jist that I'm talking about someone important. Not someone loving, but someone important. The author of rape, murder, genocide, everything bad. Not a nice guy.

He hates God and he especially hates those who are intimate with God. He hates them so much because he used to be intimate with God, and he's ticked that we're getting to experience intimacy when he's not. So he has a personal agenda against everyone pursuing intimacy with God.

darker than silence said...

that anonymous was me btw

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