Saturday, January 13, 2007

My schedule for today:
  1. Shower and get ready for the day
  2. Watch "Kingdom of Heaven"
  3. Hang out with Pat and Ashlie
  4. Apex?
  5. Finish my prophecy notes (the minor prophet Malachi)
  6. And find time to pack all my things together, because I return to school tomorrow!

My schedule for tomorrow:
  1. Awake from my slumber
  2. Load up the van and head to C.C.U.
  3. Reorganize my room and catch up with my buds
  4. Hang out with Jessica

I finished my sections on Haggai and Zechariah last night. Now I only have to finish Malachi, and then my Old Testament prophecy notes shall be completed! Jessica reminded me of a beautiful quote by C.S. Lewis:

Be not deceived, Wormwood [the apprentice demon], our cause [evil's cause] is never more in jeopardy than when a human, no longer desiring but still intending to do our Enemy's will [the will of God], looks round upon a universe in which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys. - C.S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters

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