Wednesday, January 24, 2007

One of my friends almost ran me over yesterday. It was pretty scary.

Classes are going well. I enjoy them all. The only bummer part is all the work I have to do. I've been slaving like a madman to get things done. I will do some more homework here in a few minutes, hang out with Jessica for a little bit, maybe chat with Emily some more, and then just screw around the rest of the day until my Gospels group meeting (Andrew, Kyle, Rebecca, and I: a good team), tonight I may go to Family (sorta like chapel), and then Jessica and I are hanging out some more this evening. It should be a good time.

I may have mentioned that I planned on starting a 40-Day "Daniel Fast." Well, today it actually begins. I am eating only fruits, vegetables, and water for 40 days, and praying a lot to seek God's direction and instruction for my life. I desire illumination and guidance. I want to grow closer to Him and feel Him everywhere I go. I've experienced this before; I want it to become a reality in my life.

Life gets more and more confusing. I'm not going to write any details, because people read this blog and I don't want them to think anything weird is going on. So I leave you confused.

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